
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tomorrow's a New Day

It's Saturday evening and it's been a long day. This morning Sarah came running to me to tell me that brown water is coming out of the sink. When I looked, to my amazement yes the water was brown. At that time I had clothes in the washer. The washer was on the rinse cycle and I took a clear plastic cup to see if the water in the washer was brown. Yes it was brown. Yuck!

The first thought that came to my mind was "how am I going to get all my laundry and housework done with brown water?" Immediately I started to murmur. The murmuring went on for some time. Each time I walked pass those clothes I my heart started to change.

When my kids complain about something, I always ask them to remember what God's Word says. It says in everything give thanks. I am thankful that I do have running water, but..... And it continues, my murmuring.

How can I have a thankful heart, murmur and complain at the same time? I needed the Lord to help me with my mouth and change my heart. Don found the Scripture that I should have read hours ago.....Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

As my day comes to a close and it's close to my bedtime (8:00pm), I think about tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day. The clothes that are left from today can wait until Monday. Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I'm preparing a wondeful Sunday dinner for the family:

Barbeque Ribs (Cooked in the crockpot while we are at church.)
Potato Salad (My friend Chrissy bought some red potatoes and had extra.)
Baked Beans
Apple Pie


  1. Your blog is great! Congratulations on starting it.

  2. Sandra,
    Welcome to blogging.
    I came across your blog off of Domestic Felicity's and noticed on your profile that you liked Debi Pearl's book Created To Be His Help Meet. (Think this is the name of it.)
    This book was given to me about 2 years ago. It is so different than any thing I had read.
    Hope you'll tell me what you thought about the book.
    Thank you and God Bless,
    Deanna from the Kansas Flinthills

  3. Hello Deanna,
    I loved the book. There's was only one part in it that I disagreed with. It was quite different from anything I've ever read. For the most part, I really enjoyed it.
