
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Sarah

Seems like it was yesterday when I found out I was pregnant with Sarah. I wouldn't call December 7, 1997, yesterday. I still remember the nurse coming into the room with the results. She showed me the stick (which I still have) with the "+" sign on it. I cried with joy because we had another "blessing" on the way. Don was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. We were proud to say that we had another "blessing" on the way.

Sarah is our youngest child. She will be 11 in July. She has brought so much joy into our lives and the lives of our children. Some may say that she's spoiled, but we say she's well loved.

I love encouraging woman with small children. I love to tell them to cherish their babies. Hold them close for long periods of time. Savor the moments of nursing them. Always smile at them and in return they will learn to smile back. Speak life over them. Tell them that they are world-changers. Tell them that they are leaders and not followers. One day you will look back and have no regrets.

Sarah one day when you look at this blog, I want you to know that mom thinks your special and loves you very much. Thank you for baking cookies for the family when mom couldn't.


  1. How sweet! She truly is lovely. My 2 boys are grown now and I miss them. Thankfully, the younger one comes home from college on weekends, since it is not far away. So, I have a semi-empty nest. Soon he will be home for the summer, and I love that!

  2. Precious post and cutie pie daughter! My eleven year old (son) bakes cookies also!

  3. That is so nice. Your daughter is so pretty! Those words of encouragement to cherish our young children is well taken.

  4. What a cutie! She's so proud of her cookies. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Okay, if you continue to make me cry every time I come here, that may not be a good thing. 8 )
    Sandra I can not believe how big sarah has gotten!
    I really can't believe that both she and Chelsea are both going to be 11.
    Wasn't it just yesterday that they were in missionettes and in Miss Brittany's class?
    Okay that's it y'all have to come home and come home now! You can help us bring a balance.

    I love you girl!

  6. She's so cute! I always hear "They grow up so fast!" I'm trying to savor all these moments, while their young! What a blessing!

    BTW: Of course you can always "holla" even if you don't know who Third Day is ...LOL :)

  7. Just wanted you to know I found your blog for the first time, and I've really enjoyed it. :) This was a very sweet post about your daughter. :) I echo your heart about being a homemaker, wife, and mama. It is a precious and wonderful calling! God bless you! :)

  8. She is precious. I agree with you. My baby just turned 13. Time really does fly by and you have to savor the moments and count each day special.

  9. How did I miss this post??

    what a precious girlie she is♥

  10. she is precious!!!

  11. i too remember finding out that my Sarah was coming , as if it was yesterday. isn't God wonderful to give us that sweet memory?!

  12. She is quite the cutie! I haven't really had the chance to hang out with Sarah much... except for when I go over to play Halo and she beats me! lol
    Trae tells me lots of stories about her though... I guess she has wanted to come filming with us... I think it would be fun if TJ and I could take her along to do a movie maybe sometime this summer... it would be fun to get out and get to interact with her a little more... and I'm sure she would like being in a movie! I know I do! :)
