
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Such Sweet Words

Yesterday my dear friend Sheneen came to visit me. She wanted to make a quilt for her daughter Hannah. Someone gave her some cute Holly Hobbit material and she wanted to use it for Hannah's room. She had asked me weeks ago if I would help her with it. Of course I would help her because it would give me an opportunity to fellowship and sew.

When we started out she was frustrated because she wanted to it to be perfect. I had her to stop and look me in the eyes. I told her she was being too hard on herself and it's okay not to have straight stitches. I reminded her that when Hannah becomes a mother and shows her children the quilt, she's not going to show them the crooked stitches. She's going to tell her children how much love she feels each time she looks at the quilt. She will reflect on the quilt and have fond memories of her mother.

After that she looked at me and said, "You have been such a Titus 2 woman to me. I know I'm older than you, but you have"

I'm familiar with the Titus 2. I had to read it again this morning because those words meant so much to me:

Titus 2:3-5 The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things-that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

There's so much I want to say on the Titus 2 woman. It won't be today because I'm still cleaning out the tomato stains from the last time I talk to someone about being a Titus 2 woman. Also, because of my weight I've been told when I step on toes it hurts.


  1. oh dear friend, what a blessing to have a great friend like that! and that quilt is beautiful!!!

  2. I LOVE it! Please send Sheneen my love.
    I love the picture of the two of you all dressed up, so pretty.

    I think I want to come and visit for a few days in the fall. Let me know what you think.

  3. That looks like FUN! How nice to have a friend like that. The quilts will be nice when you get them done.

  4. Tony I would love for you to come. We should surprise Sheneen. She would be so happy!

  5. What a beautiful blessing your friend bestowed upon you and what a great picture she shared with " us" who do not "know" you.

    I look forward to hearing what the Lord says to you about Titus 2!

    Be encouraged dear sister that a fellow believer sees the Word living through you!

  6. You look like you're having a great deal of fun!
    What a Blessing to have a friend like your sweet friend.
    God richly bless you and your family,

  7. What a blessing! Such lovely friendship. Looks like you both were having a lot of fun.

  8. You didn't invite me! I wanted to fellowship tooooo (smile). Have a wonderful week in Motherhood!

  9. What a great post. Friends are great to have. BLessings

  10. what a wonderful example on the titus 2 woman. ~blessings~
