
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cherish Your Mother

"Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow is Mother's Day." Those are the words that I've been whispering under my breath all day. It wasn't until after I got the bread in the oven today that I realize that Mother's Day is painful for me. It was around Mother's Day a few years ago that my mother went home to be with Jesus.

I was a miracle baby. My mother had a tubal ligation after my sister was born. Five years later to her astonishment, she was told that she was pregnant with me. It was very difficult for her to accept the fact that she was yet expecting again. She already had 5 children of her own. Not to mention that she raised my father's children from previous relationships.

She never went into details as to what happened between her and my father during the pregnancy. One thing I know is that it was a struggle for them to accept another baby. Rejection set in at an early age for me. I will talk about that in a later post. There is one thing I do want to say though. If you have an "unexpecting pregnancy" please be careful how you respond and what you say. I firmly believe that no pregnancy is unexpecting. God who is the creator of life was not "surprise" by that precious baby in your womb. It was God's plan. One thing that is not God's plan, that is for rejection to take root in a person life.

I shared the Gospel with my mother when I was 16. She accepted Him.

I thought about my mother so much today. I also thought about the many people who will face Mother's Day tomorrow without a mother. There are many of us who cannot pick up the phone early in the morning to wish mom a Happy Mother's Day. Cards weren't mailed out this week. Flowers weren't sent. Reservations at mom's favorite restaurant weren't made.

My prayer for you on tomorrow is that God will embrace you with His love. That you would feel His peace all around you. I want you to know that it's okay to cry. I for one will cry tomorrow. I will cry because I miss my mother. I will also cry with a praise in my heart knowing that she's with her Father in heaven.

For those of you whose mother is still alive. Cherish her on tomorrow and everyday.


  1. Thanks for sharing such a tender post. I have never cried on Mother's Day for my mom...I'm usually crying in the WalMart days before...or passing a flower stand...(or in case of this the church setting up for a luncheon). After 13 years you'd think it would be easier but it's's just more bearable. And you're right...God does comfort us!

  2. Oh...I forgot to say
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Your purpose may have been to lead you mother to Christ,what a wonderful thought.

    Dropped over from Sisters of Honor, nice to meet you.

    In His Grace,

  4. This is a belated Happy Mother's Day Wish for you. I was on the road.
    You are such a sweet Lady!
    You're children rise up and call YOU blessed!

    As you know very well relationships with parents are not always ideal, but my prayer for you today is that God will comfort you in all those areas of your life that may still hurt because of unkind treatment or words spoken to you.

    God Bless you and your sweet family that you have been blessed with.

    You have great value in our Lord's eyes!!! Great value...

    Have a wonderful MAY,

  5. Yeah!I came on yesterday so I could follow your blog but there was something wrong somewhere and none of your posts showed up!! All I had was the banner on the top right corner!Glad it's working now.Thank God my husband didn't reject our 'surprise' daughter.She's very trying, but I am extremely grateful she came along because I see how she's already blessing her brother.So if I ever mention that she's a surprise, I'll remember your post and MAKE SURE she knows it was s surprise like when you get an unexpected gift! Not an unwanted shock!Thank you!
