
Monday, May 18, 2009

Frank & Laura's Wedding

This past weekend we had the privilege of attending the wedding ceremony of Frank & Laura. They were married a year ago, but took this time to have a renewal. I absolutely love wedding because there's something so much deeper going on during a wedding ceremony. It's a commitment that two people make before God, family and friends. The theme was country and western.

My husband was so honored when he was asked to officiate the ceremony. My husband has known Frank since the late 70s when they lived in Hermiston. They were Royal Ranger Commanders in Outpost 86. The wedding ceremony couldn't have gone any better.

Laura was one of the most beautiful brides I'd even seen. This was our first time meeting her. She was so warm and loving. She welcomed us with open arms. As a wife who has the tendency to notice how other wives are with their husbands, I noticed a similarity between Laura and I. We are both engulfed in our husbands and look at them with such awe.

We are so happy for Frank. We love him dearly and prayed for some time that he would find someone special. Not just anyone, but someone special. It fills our heart with joy knowing that he's found that special person.

As a family we took this opportunity to enjoy each other and relax on the farm.

Frank's sister sang this song for the ceremony.


  1. Love the cowboy hat! You look so cute.

    You all had a beautiful day for the celebration. I would love to live in the country again. There's a peaceful feel to it and I miss it.

    God bless you all,

  2. oh, that is so sweet. I love the cowboy hats!

  3. so very sweet. It looks like the family had fun.

    Life is so short- and we forget sometimes what is important!!


  4. oh I just LOVE That!!!! what a treaure! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I think I've commented on facebook about these photos...they are so sweet. Blessings.

  6. OMG! You guys are so adorable!

    I tagged you with the Kreative Blogger Award. Please stop by my blog and read the rules.

  7. i love the hat!!! and the song!!
