
Friday, May 29, 2009

History In the Making

Tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm history will take place. We, along with family and friends will watch Trae as he makes an entrance through those doors at the LCSC Activity Center and make history.

What so special about a graduation ceremony? This ceremony will have a significant impact on my extended family. Trae is the first male to graduate high school in my family. We are so thankful and honored that the Lord has chosen to use him to be a trailblazer and change the course in my family lineage.

Don and I have been really excited about this because he will be taking his next big step this Fall. Trae has decided to answer the call on his life and go into ministry. Trae is so talented. He could have chosen another profession and been very successful. As parents, we stand behind him and support him 100%. He will attend Portland Biblce College along with his sister Ruth.

Trae's Senior year has been a great year. He lead a ministry at the high school that he took over from Ruth called "Revolution" He taught his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ how to share their faith on the high school campus. Encourage & discipled new believers. He stood up like a strong tower for what he believed. He was popular for all the right reasons (Praise God). His class mates chose him to be Prom King and the staff chose him to receive the David Laird Award and be a Senior Representative based on his character and positive influence.

So tomorrow, will you rejoice with us as we celebrate this great acheivement.

I can't wait to see this in my son's hand!
As for now, he's asking momma to cook him some eggs.


  1. May God's hand continue to be on Trae. May His wisdom be given abundantly and may God use Trae in a big way to bring countless people into the family of God!

    I am celebrating with you, Sandra! Thank you for the honor to pray and rejoice with you!

  2. how exciting for all of you!

    i love this phase of motherhood so much.. it's almost like we are seeing the fruits of our labors. all those nights sitting up with them, all the hard-but-right-decisions we made- it's all more than worth it isn't it? blessings to all of you♥

  3. I am in awe of God's goodness! In awe that Trae is blazing down a path for your family that has never been taken. AWESOME!!!
    I am so blessed to hear that He is following the calling upon his life. Wow! To God be the glory.
    You have much to be proud of, but I say thank YOU for guiding your children the way God desired you to. thank you for being obedient and sharing Christ with them!!!! Just think of the legacy you have begun that will go on for generations to come!

  4. Father God we thank you for Sandra's son Trae. Give him a continued determination for You so others can see You're glory! Thank you for allowing him to graduate and make history...but you already knew he would. Father you are awesome and let others continue to see that in Him. We bind the enemy in your Son's name so they will not have a foothold in Trae's life. In Jesus name, Amen!

    Sandra - we're celebrating for you!

  5. That is so awesome, Sandra. Congratulations to him and to your whole family. Praise God that he is going into the ministry. God bless him! Isn't God good!?

  6. This will be such a wonderful event for you to personally witness.
    God Bless you all!
    Congrats and a pat on your son's back as well as have a son be the first male in your family to graduate from high school is quite a statement.

    You have lived to see the day that he graduates. It's very touching.

    Don't forget to Pray over his driving and riding in cars. There's something about this time of year that boys get injured in autos...

    A heartfelt cogratulations,

  7. This is great Sandra and thanks for sharing your excitment with us.

    Congrats on this accomplishment and the others to come as a result of his desire to serve God!


  8. Congrats Momma Bear! Enjoy cooking those eggs for him while you can! May God protect Trae from the world the flesh and the enemy as he chooses to become a servant to all.

  9. Congrats to your family & to Trae. What a blessing to witness this wonderful occasion. I know that all parents feel emotion beyond compare during this time. May God bless & may your son achieve all that God has in store for him. I will join you in prayer during this time!! Blessings.

  10. what a blessing. I remember that I was the first female in my family to graduate High School. That meant so much to my mother.

    May the Lord continue to guide his path.

  11. I am so happy for your son's being a trailblazer in your family! How exciting and what a blessing!

    I know that he will do well in whatever he sets his hands to do. Congratulations!


  12. I was telling husband about your family lineage and he said..."I too am the first male to graduate high school and college. He's also the first on either sides of our families to get a Master's" That blew me away. So thanks for reminding us of the things that are significant...sometimes they're right under our noses.
