
Friday, August 14, 2009

A Page From My Journal

I found some old journals and just thought I'd share a page from it. It was written May 16, 2005.

Lord as I sit here in my van waiting for Ruthie to finish her dance class, I feel You. I feel You through the wind. I know it might sound weird to other people, that's why I'm only telling You.

Father I love Your presence. I feel as though Your sitting here with me. Sometimes Lord I dream about running to the mountains just to be alone with You. While we're there You're sharing secrets with me. You're giving me people to pray for. But more than anything else Lord, it's You and me.

I see us walking down a path with beautiful flowers surrounding us.

You know Lord, I feel so safe with You. "Thank You" for protecting me.

I have to come to reality soon. Ruth's dance class is almost over, and back to being a mom. Father my husband and children are such a blessing. "Thank You" for them!

Jesus + Sandra = True Love & Forever Lasting! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing your intimate conversation with Jesus. I enjoy looking back into my old journals also. Some pages are better than others (smile).

  2. Woooo! That's beautiful! I just love me some Jesus...LOL!

    I also enjoy reading old journals and remembering great times I've had with the Lord!

  3. Thanks for sharing!

    Not too long ago, I re-read some of my old journal entries. I love to reflect & see the growth that God has put in me. He has brought me from a "mighty long way".

    God bless!!

  4. please accept this friend award.. go to my blog
    Copy the image from the left and follow directions..
    I appreciate your loyalty to my blog.

  5. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure you're settling into the's beautiful country. Have a great weekend.

  6. I enjoyed reading that! I love that feeling!! When you can, just as you said "feel Him in the wind" Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts


  7. Sandra-
    You are truly a titus 2 woman- one so strong, yet so honoring to her Lord, husband and children.
    I wanted you to know how encouraging you are to so many so I have given you a blog award.
    Please come to my blog to claim it.

    Your sister in Christ
