
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hand Made Gifts and Rejection

On this past weekend I attended a baby shower for a precious sister that I've become so fond of since moving to Vancouver. I was a little nervous at first because this would be the first time I fellowshipped with the ladies at church. Our church has 2 campus' and we were joining in with our Portland campus to celebrate the mother and the new life that will be here any day now. Being around people didn't make me nervous, it was my gift.

Most of the gifts I make are handmade aka homemade. I really wasn't sure how my gift would be received. Some people like handmade gifts and some don't. From my experiences in the past, I was nervous though. I felt that there was something much deeper at work here than a "homemade" gift. Once again, it wasn't so much whether or not my gift would be received, but rather would I be rejected because of my gift.

Why in the world would I be rejected because of my gift? Is a question I kept asking myself. Well, if your a person who has dealt with rejection, you know what I'm talking about. Often times when rejection takes it ugly grip on us, we have to continue to fight as we dig up the root that planted itself there.

As I sat there as the gifts were being opened, I made sure I looked around for the nearest EXIT sign in big red letters. Often times when we are faced with rejection, we look for the nearest exit. Sometimes those around us who knows our weakness will push us to the exit sign only to grab us by the arm before walk out the door. It becomes a game they like to play, but there are the only ones having fun.

Then one day you get to that exit door and you walk outside. For the first time in years you smell fresh air and the freedom that comes with it. You turn around and face your rejector and tell them your free. You will no longer play the game. The game is over and you're the winner because standing behind your rejector are those who are exposing their weaknesses in secret.

I was so relieved when my handmade gift was received with great joy by the expecting mom. The gift was a beautiful crib quilt. I look forward to meeting the baby boy that will be added to the church family. But the thing I look forward to the most is bonding with the women at church and being vulnerable to them and not being afraid to expose my weaknesses out of fear of rejection.

I've learned in life that in my weaknesses, God's strength will prevail.


  1. I thank God that you did not let fear get the best of you. It's sad but there are some people who would rather have a store bought gift. I actually like the idea of someone using their gift for giving. I would have loved to have seen a picture. You are so talented. God bless you. Please share your gift of sewing with us more often :)

  2. In my opinion, handmade gifts are awesome. It just screams of a love that took thought, time and unselfishness.


  3. Sandra,
    God bless you.
    Rejection is a really ugly and hurtful thing at times. God help us with the hurts that may still be there.

    I'm sure your gift was as sweet as it could be!

    I went to my daughter-in-law's this past week-end for a baby shower that her church gave for her and baby that will be delivered by c-section October 26th. It was alot of fun and I'm so glad that I was able to attend. Hope to post about it in the near future.

    Aren't babies just the sweetest?

  4. Oh, I'm glad your gift was not rejected. I'm happy that you have people to fellowship with. You are so pretty and talented!

  5. Handmade gifts are really the best gifts... but I do know what you mean. I often feel hesitant to give something I have made unless I really know the recipient well. i feel just as you did. I suppose it is really a trick of the enemy- trying to throw us off balance, filling us with fear, ruining our generous impulses and in the end, taking the focus off of others and putting it on self. He really knows how to attack, doesn't he?

    Praise the Lord, our Lord is mightier than the enemy.. and so therefore are we!

    Have a blessed day, dear♥

  6. Sandra,
    I have seen your work and it is an honor to be blessed by things made from your hands. Your hands speak of love, prayer and faithfulness.
    Your gift -the gift of who you are - has made room for you and will continue to make room.
    Love you much!

  7. Sandra, It's hard to imagine that there are some who'd be so non-appreciative and cruel. But I DO know what people can be like!

    Anyway, I'm glad that your friend loved the quilt!


  8. handmade gifts are the best sister!!!

    i'm so glad you got the fellowship you wanted!! :)
