
Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Quilt & Decorations

This is a scene from my little town.

Little one room school houses.

Snowman display inside my curio cabinet.

My 2009 Christmas quilt hanging on the deacon's bench.

Snowman Christmas tree.

Christmas Quilt

As you can see, Christmas is well underway here in my home. I love this time of year. Our Thanksgiving was filled with so much joy and laughter. Love just filled our home and I pray that those who shared Thanksgiving dinner with us felt it as well.

I have some new cookie recipes that I will be trying for the first time this year. During this time of the year, my home always has a candle burning with some kind of cinnamon scent. I love the smell of cinnamon. Sometimes the boys will walk through the door thinking that I have some bread or cookies in the oven, but it's just my candle.

On Friday, November 20th, I hosted a baking party at my house. I was able to share my love for aprons and my passion for baking. I made each of the ladies an apron. I tried making them according to their personalities. I think I did pretty good being that I've only known them for such a short time. We had so much fun in my cozy little kitchen.


  1. Your quilt is beautiful! What a wonderful thing to have like-minded ladies over. You are just awesome, making the ladies aprons.

  2. Merry Christmas to you, Sandra!
    Your home looks fantastic. So comfortable and inviting.
    You are way ahead of me!!!

    Hopefully this week we will begin to decorate and it will begin to look alot like Christmas every room I go.

    Your party sounded like alot of fun and this is so sweet of you to make these new friends aprons. This is great.

    God bless,

  3. love the quilt. It is so pretty!

  4. I love your Christmas pictures! This is putting me in the mood for some snow and hot chocolate!

    Love your blog. Any friend of God is a friend of mine...

  5. Everything is very pretty. I really love the snowman christmas tree. Snowmen are my favorite:)

  6. Beautiful Christmas quilt. I hope you'll enter it in my Virtual Christmas Quilt Show.


  7. Love the pictures! Your home is so charming and festive! :)

  8. love your decorations, love the mini houses,so cute!!

  9. What great decorations...girl you're so crafty! I love seeing the love put in decor. Ouuuu you have a deacon's!
