
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've Tapped Into Something and It Works!

I really can't tell how it happened or when it started to happen because it's been going on for years. I don't even know what I did to make it happen in the first place. All I know is that it happens and I love it! There are these random words of expression that comes from the mouth of my dear husband. These words cause me to melt like a popsicle on the sidewalk in the middle of January.

He tells me all the time that he reads about me in the Bible. Then he'll proceed to read the Scripture to me and explain why it's talking about me. As I sit there like a school girl blushing gazing into his eyes, I can't help but to wonder what did I do to deserve this.....

Society tells me that I'm not what a man wants in a woman because I'm overweight. That theory was blown out of the water when my husband said the reason why he loves my stomach and can't stop touching it is because I carried his children in it.

Even today the children are still amused when their dad comes into the kitchen and loves on me. They may say things like, "Ewww get a room." Or, "That's gross. Don't be kissing mom while she's cooking." All the while they are beaming at the sight of their dad loving their mom.

Did I tap into something that caused him to openly express his love and affection for me that so many women desire? I'm not sure. I've tried answering this question so many times. I'm a simple girl living a life of simplicity. I dress simple. There's nothing extravagant about my hair. My makeup is little to none. My nails are.....well, let's not go there.

What could I have done to cause him to follow me around the house just because he "wants to" be in my presence? What caused him to put me so high on the pedestal? I often tell him that I'm not perfect and I'll fall off. His response is that he'll catch me and put me back up there.

Could it be that just maybe following Scripture and totally abandoning myself to God's will and not my own cause such a reaction? Have I tapped into something in the Word of God and embraced it with every fiber of my being? I don't know, but whatever I've tapped into works so I'll keep doing it.

Ephesians 5:22 - Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.


  1. Amen and well said...have a great day!
    Thanks for posting this on fb...I can't seem to get to your blog from my's so annoying!

  2. Could it be that just maybe following Scripture and totally abandoning myself to God's will and not my own cause such a reaction? Have I tapped into something in the Word of God and embraced it with every fiber of my being?

    I'm going to say Yes and Yes. :)
    Keep doing it my friend. Your joy leaps through the computer.

  3. I LOVE THIS! We reap the benefits of everything that God has to offer when we live out the word of God including a great marriage. And you my friend are reaping those benefits! Thanks for being an inspiration to me and so many more women.

    Love you,

  4. I love this post! It made me smile:-) I think you've been wonderfully blessed.

  5. I love this!! Definitely made me smile :) Blessings to you!!

  6. Thanks for stopping by, and you are welcome kind Lady. Hope you enjoy the recipe.

  7. That is so beautiful Sandra thank you so much for sharing. I wanted to share how much an inspiration you are to me.. I have given you a blog award.. please come by and check it out

  8. Hello Sandra,
    I just popped over after seeing that you're one of my new followers on my blog! What an awesome post this was! Absolutely loved it. Such a wonderful testimony to what the Lord can do when a wife submits. Our position is a blessing, not a curse! Amen!

  9. "when my husband said the reason why he loves my stomach and can't stop touching it is because I carried his children in it."

    That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I am so glad I found your blog through LAF.

    Ouida Gabriel
