
Monday, March 8, 2010

Hack! Hack! Hack! and Sweet Kisses

I received a text message from a dear friend this morning. She said, "Good morning." My text response to her was, Hack! Hack! Hack Crud! Hack! Hack! Crud!, etc..... It's was a good thing she wasn't standing in front of me. She may have been frightened by my manly voice and that awful hacking sound protruding from me. I then informed her that I was battling a cold. A bad one.

I've been under strict orders from my wonderful husband to rest and not do anything. That is very hard for me to do because I love being busy. Busy at home. I had all kinds of plans this week. I planned on taking out some my Spring clothes and putting away Winter clothes. I planned on starting a project that I will give to my precious daughter at her bridal shower. I planned on going to JoAnn's Fabric with my new coupons to see how far my $13 would go.

I took some over the counter medicine, which I don't like doing, but I needed some sleep. I don't remember much about this morning, but I do remember a few things. I remember my husband kissing me on the forehead before he left home to clean the church. The reason why I remember this is because it wasn't just one kiss, but many kisses. And they were sweet kisses too.

I'm not sure how much time had lapsed. Next thing I knew I felt those sweet kisses on my forehead again and this time he was telling me that he was leaving for work. Another thing I remembered was making sure the blankets were just so as I laid back down with a smile on my face. In spite of all the hacking, congestion, chest pain and sore throat, those sweet kisses managed to put a smile on my face :)


  1. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Praying you feel better really soon. Listen to him and get some rest :)

  2. I just found your blog! I'm very happy I did! I'm looking forward to reading through it, and getting to know you better. Lord bless you!

  3. A loving husband.Aren't they a blessing?Hope you get well soon :(

  4. I give up.This si the 4th time the internet has bombed out on me.I'll keep it short.GET WELL SOON AND YAY FOR HUBBY!!

  5. awh how sweet!!! I missed hearing from you yesterday! Praying your better today..Love you

  6. feel better soon and obey the King.

  7. So sweet...The hubby kisses, not the cold:-) I hope you feel better soon.

  8. So sorry you aren't feeling well, I pray this will pass soon.... Be blessed sis, loved the posting!

  9. What a sweet posting! (minus the cold of course) :) Blessings.
