
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Ministry

Yes that's me in the center surround by the people I minister to everyday. Some may say that it looks like my life is centered around my husband and children. They are absolutely right because it does.

Yesterday I was on a conference call with my pastor, his wife and two other sisters that have become such dear friends to me. My pastor was encouraging us because he saw the things we were doing in the church. Things I do because I just love doing them, ex: encouraging women, cooking meals for new moms, helping out where ever I can, ect. My pastor wanted to publicly acknowledge us during our 40th Annual Women's Conference by giving us the title of Deaconess Missionary. He said we were already doing the work and wanted to make things official.

During this conference call, my pastor reminded us that our family comes first. Myself, along with the other sisters on the call agreed 100%. It was at that moment that I realized just how blessed I am to be under leadership that promotes family first above ministry. I'm not sure if my pastor or his wife ever reads my blog, but I wanted to say "Thank You!"

Being in the church for so many years I've seen on multiple occasions where a woman neglects her home for the sack of the ministry within the local church. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying anything against being active in church. What I'm saying is how can a woman go and help other people in the church when she won't even help her husband and children.

As funny as it may sound, I've seen women cook meals for other families in the church and won't even cook for her own family. A woman will go and clean someone elses home while hers looks like an F5 made it's way through it. She will be the first to raise her hand if her pastor asks for volunteers, but ignores her husband's request for assistance.

As our children were growing up, we didn't allow them to sit in the back with their friends and goof around. We kept our children with us. We wanted to worship as a family. Too often in the church, parents are so focused on making sure they are getting their "blessin" that they don't know what their children are doing. Some parents may be shocked to know that their childs first intimate encounter occurred at church.

Now that I have some adult children, it tickles me at times that they still make their way to the front row to sit next to us.

I haven't been the perfect wife or mother. Never have been. Will never claim to be. One thing I do know is that my family will always be my first ministry.


  1. Sandra,
    You are such a blessing to me and such an inspiration..Thank You for always encouraging me in the Lord.

  2. You always speak to my heart with your post. I agree with what you said 100%.I think when we do things in the proper order..funny how we have time to all we need to do! When our priorities are out of line we dont ever seem to catch up! Thank you for a honest post!
    Have a blessed week.

  3. Dear One,
    A lovely ministry!
    God bless,

  4. Amen and amen! You are speaking truth on top of truth! I love you girl!

  5. Aw sis.And the icing on the cake is the recognition.God will bless,but I like it when humans also notice the efforts.Thank you for this very true quote.My only cheerleader is my husband and the people we minister to, but his gratitude means so much to me.Thanks for this post.The more you write, the more I 'fall in love' with you.

  6. Amen! I absolutely agree 100%! I think that we are so very blessed to have families to minister to. Thank you, Sandra, for another wonderful and encouraging post.

  7. Sandra, I'm following you through a private blog, so don't be alarmed if I've stopped following, I haven't really. Mary (Civilla).

  8. Good Morning Sandra, I found your blog over at your nook on acountrywoman :)

  9. Wow! I just love this post!

    I have always said that as my children get older I don't want them sitting with the other kids on the back row texting and playing around with their friends while I'm in the front of the church.

    Thank you for sharing your commitment to your family. I pray that God will help me to keep my family first as well and that I will see the rewards of it!
