
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making Memories

My 19 year old son really got me to thinking this week about eternal things. One day, I will go into eternity and the things of Earth won't matter anymore. To me at least. What will matter are the memories that I leave behind for my family to cherish.

I've been on a quest since becoming a mother and a wife to make every second count. During this quest I'm hoping to make memories that will be cherished not only by my children, but my children's children as well.

Sarah (11), has been learning how to sew. I've been teaching her this summer to make simple things. She just completed her first apron that she made for her older sister who just got married.

One day while sewing, I touched her precious hands as I helped her guide the material through the sewing machine. I gently closed my eyes. I remember those same hands used to be so tiny that she could barely wrap them around my finger. The smell of the Johnson's Baby Lotion came to my mind. Oh, how I loved that smell. That smell how now been replaced by Bath & Body Works lotion. Where did time go?

I smiled as our hands touched and we finally got a straight 5/8 in. seam. She looked at me with excitement in her eyes. It was a proud moment for her and a memory she will never forget.

Sarah's precious hands

It's reversible


  1. Ok, you got me crying now!!! So sweet, so true, so lovely!!!

  2. You're right, time goes by fast. How precious it is to have those sweet memories. The apron is beautiful! Sarah did a GREAT job!

  3. Very touching! My daughter is only 1.5 but still the time seems to be flying by.

    On a side note, I have tried to be patient and failed, when will you post about the wedding? Was anything said in the ceremony about your daughter's purity and courtship? I can't wait to hear all about it (and maybe see a few pictures too :) )

  4. Very touching! My daughter is only 1.5 but still the time seems to be flying by.

    On a side note, I have tried to be patient and failed, when will you post about the wedding? Was anything said in the ceremony about your daughter's purity and courtship? I can't wait to hear all about it (and maybe see a few pictures too :) )

  5. Abigail thank you for stopping by and asking about the wedding. I will post about the wedding real soon with pics :).

  6. I love sewing with my daughter too. Pondering these times in our hearts and sharing them with our loved ones is beyond price. I am enjoying your blog.

  7. Cute apron! Your children will have great memories upon which to draw strength in the future. My sons are just now beginning to realize the benefits of the good habits we inculcated in them.

  8. Such a beautiful post! I'm 16 and enjoy learning homemaking skills from my mother. These lessons are such beautiful experiences --ones that I'll always treasure in my heart. Your daughter's apron is beautiful! She did a great job. :-) Blessings, friend!

  9. Thank you for sharing this precious moment that you got to spend with your daughter. I'm sure it was a special time for the both of you.

    I like the apron as well. Floral prints are my favorite. :)

    ~Mrs. Lady Sofia~

  10. This was so heart touching for me. Tell Sara the she did a wonderful job on the apron.

  11. Absolutely beautiful apron thanks for sharing and tfs your story
