
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guess What?

They started courting in December 2009 with the permission of my husband.
Ryan flew up here in February to surprise Ruthie with an engagement ring. The whole family was in on it! You can read about the proposal under the "Courtship" label.

Ruth at the church preparing for her wedding day.

The big day is finally here! They pray and ask God to be the center of their marriage.

Friends and family celebrated with them.

Now say CONGRATULATIONS to Papa and Mema!
I know it's hard to believe that we are going to be grandparents.
I know you're saying to yourself, "Sandra doesn't look a day older than 21 and that handsome husband of hers is 25 & holding!"
Don and I are overjoyed that we are going to be grandparents for the first time.

A few weeks back, Ryan and Ruthie got confirmation that they are expecting a baby. Some say it was way too soon, but we say God is the giver of life. We applaud this young couple for going against the grain of society and see this baby as a blessing rather than a burden.

Now if you can remember to pray for Don and I as we learn boundaries. We've always said that we would never be those grandparents who spoil grandchildren. I sure wish we can take those words back. We have a plan already laid out for this grandbaby. Don and I looked at each other the other day and I said, "We're gonna be in trouble huh?!"


  1. Oh, I'm so excited for them! So glad a little blessing is on the way. :-) Do either of them have a blog? I'd love to keep updated with the pregnancy and their life...If they don't, perhaps they can start one! Blessings!

  2. Oh Sandra! How wonderful! You must be so pleased and proud and excited... I can't even imagine. My prayers and warmest wishes for all of you♥

  3. Congratulations Mema!

    How wonderful! I am so thrilled that there are couples out there like Ryan and Ruthie who are willing to accept God's precious gifts - when He gives them!

    What fun you're going to have!

  4. Eden it's funny you mention a blog. I told Ruthie that she should set up a blog. Maybe we'll set one up on Sunday when she comes over.

    Diane my friend thanks for you're kind words :)

  5. That would be great! Tell Ruthie if she starts own that I'd love to be her first follower. :-) Blessings!

  6. It is a blessing to see this young couple realize and allow God to be the author of their lives. A of the greatest blessings in a marriage. I'm amazed and awed by new life! That HE would trust us to raise a warrior for HIS Kingdom.

    And um yeah, I wanna see y'all NOT spoil this grandbaby!!!! LOL

  7. It is a blessing to see this young couple realize and allow God to be the author of their lives. A of the greatest blessings in a marriage. I'm amazed and awed by new life! That HE would trust us to raise a warrior for HIS Kingdom.

    And um yeah, I wanna see y'all NOT spoil this grandbaby!!!! LOL

  8. Your not spoiling Him/Her your just loving them! LOL..I am so excited for all of you. And, Yes a baby is a blessing indeed!

  9. Sandra,

    I love the pictures and the article. You are absolutely correct when you said you don't look a day over 21 and Don 25. The fruit of the womb is a reward from God so congratulations to you & Don, also Ruthie & Ryan. We already know that your grandbaby will be spoiled with love and that's a great thing!

  10. What wonderful news! Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations!!! What a blessing!! You and Papa will be great grandparents.

  12. Congrats!! Blessings to you & your family :)

  13. God bless you all and you'll have such a great time being Grandparents!

    Pray all goes very well.
    Blessings to you,

  14. Oh this is WONDERFUL news!!! Congratulations. What an encouragement. Good luck with the no spoiling thing ;)

  15. Congratulations on the wedding and the baby! How exciting! What a blessing! You will love being a grandmother! Blessings!

  16. YEAH!!!Congratulations to all of you. Yes, ALL of you.I'll be looking forward to some pictures of grandbaby on FB the day s/he comes. I know, we still have long time till then, LOL

  17. Congratulation!!!! What a wonderful blessing and No it's not too soon God has everything planned out to a tee. I am soo happy for you and Spoil away!!!

  18. Congratulations to you and your family! This is wonderful news.

  19. Sandra (or should we say Mema!)
    What wonderful NEWS!!! I am so excited for you... take picts of her stages, so we can see please!


  20. I've been missing out by just scrolling through my reader!

    Congratulations on all fronts!!! Beautiful, beautiful family and stories.
    I think that you and I need to talk!
    I have some questions.

    Many more blessings!

  21. What a wonderful story! They are precious. May the LORD pour His blessings upon them. You too!
    Makes me want to give you a real life hug...oh well...HUGS...the blog way!

  22. It is a lot to get used to being married then pregnant so fast. Happened to me too. Many years later and I wouldn't have it any other way! Our children are a true blessing of God and if he chose to give me our first so was of His choosing and we were overjoyed! Congratulations on the little one!! Lynn
