
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

She's Been Watching Me

This morning, my daughter Ruthie and I were texting. As always, it's such a joy anytime I talk to her whether via phone or text. When we are together, we make each other laugh without saying a word.

I realized this morning just how closely she's watched me all these years.

She was helping her husband get ready for work. She made him breakfast and packed him a good lunch. She even found some items he had lost. All this within 25 minutes. Her husband was so grateful that he ran back upstairs a minute after he started the car just to give her a kiss.

Ruthie said it's a great feeling helping her husband succeed even if it's with something as small as getting him off to work in time. Then she texted me this:

"Thanks mom, but I have you to thank. You set the example all these years. 
Little did I realize how much it impacted me!"

All these years of serving my husband were and are not in vain. My children were and are watching. I didn't realize those times when I kept my cool as my husband was scurrying around the house trying to find his keys or glasses would impact my children. But they were watching me. Especially my girls. Now that I look back, I'm so glad that I kept my mouth shut during those times when I wanted to lash out at my husband.

 Sarah and I two years ago having fun.

 Ruthie & I one year ago going to church.

 Me and my girls in April of this year at Ruthie's bridal shower.

Mothers, please know that you're children are watching you, Especially your daughters. Don't dismiss the small things you do in your home while serving your family. Those small things can and will have the greatest impact.

This picture of Ruthie and Sarah was taken yesterday while we were baking. 
I cherish these moments I spend with my girls.

 Mothers please cherish every moment you spend with your children. Make an impact on them today so that they can impact the world tomorrow.


  1. this is a great post and such a encouragement for me to read ( a young mother of 3 little girls)

    I pray that I would be able to write a post like this in the future!


  2. What beautiful girls. No, your work was not wasted.

  3. You are always so encouraging and uplifting to me. Thank You for sharing this, I know it is never to late for my daughters to see how we are as Christian Wives and Mothers supposed to be.

  4. Now that's encouraging! Thank you so very much, Sandra! I pray to have such a wonderful relationship with my daughter.

  5. I hope to leave such a good example.

  6. You make me want to cry.THIS is what it's all about Ma'am.This is it!Praise God for daughters-the daughters you (I'm sure) prayed over, prayed with, encouraged, wept and worried over.May the Lord bless you all, and the families they're building.And I praise God for giving her an appreciative husband too.

  7. I love this post, Sandra. I enjoy watching my Mom and learning from her. She is such a wonderful example to me. :) Hope you're having a blessed day!

  8. I loved that post you are soo right,children do watch you very close.Your girls are beautiful keep enjoying those precious moments!

  9. AHH! I love this post! Wouldn't you you that for the past couple of weeks I have been working harder to help hubby get ready for work so he can get out of the door on time!

    There are some serious challenges to that, but it means so much! This post was right on time for me! Thank you!
