
Monday, November 8, 2010

Simply Redeemed

Redeemed = to buy back; to recover; to exchange; to convert; to make amends; to obtain the release or restoration of, as from captivity, by paying a ransom.

Something extraordinary happened to me one day. The day when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, is a day that I will never forget. That was many years ago. I've changed. I've grown tremendously. Living the life I'm living now is one that I would dream about, but blocked it out because I wanted to be free and not bound by man.

Blindness invaded my sight to true freedom in the high calling of a wife and a mother.

I was in bondage in my mind and my heart. Struggling to find my identity, only to continue going deeper into the pit that the enemy dug for me. I was buried neck deep in the miry clay. I couldn't claw my way out of the pit. I needed help to get out.

What a day when my Savior came and released me from captivity. He paid the ransom. No longer did I have to live in the pit when my Father is the King. I'm His daughter. Living the life I dreamt about for so long.

Some may say that there's more to life than being just a wife and a mother. True. But I must say from my own experience, besides my relationship with God, there's nothing comparable for me than being a wife and a mother.

I've been simply redeemed and my way of thinking has changed!


  1. I look forward to the day when i too can be a wife and mother. Such a high calling. More fulfilling than any career can offer.


  2. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. . .

    I remember my pastor talking to u about the word redeemed and used the definition of "taking on the market" . . . It was a beautiful truth that took root into my heart. Thanks for sharing! Lots of love!

  3. What a beautiful truth and a beautiful song to go along with it.

  4. Nice post. I agree, there is something so satisfying about being a wife and a mom. Even now that my kids are grown, I absolutely love having the privilege of praying for them, emailing them, sending them cookies :) Our families are truly our biggest blessing. And how fun, that your own daughter is expecting! Congratulations. You must be over the moon.
