
Friday, November 19, 2010

Winner of the "New Life" Apron Give Away is.....

 I just want to say thank you to all the women who left comments about what a new life means to you. Some of the comments really tugged my heart. I prayed and thought about each one of you on a daily basis for the last week. Blessing to you and your families.

 Here are the names ready to be drawn.....

 My hand got stuck in the mason jar. This is a wide mouth jar too. Hmm... :)

Here's our winner! Congratulations Nabila Grace!

*Update: Nabila was so touched by Jill K.'s story, that she giving her gifts to her.
Jill K., your story touched the hearts of many that read your comment. We thank our Father who is the giver of life. We rejoice with you!


  1. Awwww yay! how exciting! I have been at work all day and just now catching up on emails/blogs/fb etc! What a wonderful way to start the weekend and end a work day! Thank you! ;o)

  2. Nabila that was so sweet of you to pass the gift along to Jill K. :)

  3. This is my first time visiting and you had me laughing already at your hand stuck in the jar :) Must go poke around now -- anyone who will share her hand stuck in a jar is a woman I'd like to know better :)

  4. Oh my goodness! Nabilia, you are WAY too sweet! Thank you so much for your generous gift! The baby is doing wonderfully and so am I. Jesus is SOOOOOOO good! :)

  5. Jill please send me an email at: :)

  6. You are very welcome my dear! :o) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  7. I've just sent the email! I'm sorry I haven't been able to check before, but my internet has been in and out for almost a week over here due to the weather...and my husband being gone and thus my complete lack of technical knowledge on how to get it back up!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I hope you don't get snowed in as we are!
    PS-Nabila, I'm also sorry I mis-spelt your name brain is alive and well up here!
