
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cream Cheese Pound Cake

Someone gave me this recipe about 18 years ago. It was written on a small piece of pink paper. Over the years the recipe got oil and other liquids spilled on it. I copied it onto an index card for safe keeping. I still have the pink piece of paper with the original recipe on it for keepsake. I make this cake every year at Christmas time.

3 cups of cake flour
3 cups of sugar
6 eggs
2 sticks of butter
1 stick of margarine
1 (8 oz.) package of cream cheese
1 envelope of dream whip
1 Tbsp of vanilla flavor

Grease and flour bundt pan. The butter, margarine and cream cheese should be at room temperature. Cream butter, margarine and cream cheese. Add sugar and eggs. Continue to mix. Add cake flour and dream whip. Beat well. Add vanilla flavor and continue beating. Pour batter in pan. You may have to smooth the cake out with a rubber spatula.

Bake @ 325 degrees for one and a half (1 1/2) hours.

After the cake is done, I melt a half a stick of butter and pour it over the top of the cake. Especially in the cracked parts. Enjoy!


  1. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth!!

  2. Yummmmm! Delicious recipe and good looking picture.

    Happy Holidays and a terrific new year to you!

    Our Christmas week-end was a busy one, but a happy one full of laughter.
    Thank God for this.

    Have you been playing in the snow? I'm still waiting for ours to come. Picture time.

    God bless you,
    d from homehaven

  3. Kela - It's okay to drool! Haha!

    Deanna - We had a wonderful Christmas. I understand being busy. It was busy for me around here as well. No snow yet. We may get some this weekend :)

  4. It looks delicious! I will be trying this recipe and let you know how mine turns out.

  5. The cake looks really good! I would have to immediately cut it in half and either freeze or share with another family so I don't eat the whole thing.

    I feel dumb, but what is dream whip?

  6. Hello Bridget!
    Dream Whip is something that's normally put in pies to make them fluffy. Not sure why this recipe calls for it, but I wouldn't make it without it! Lol!
    You can find Dream Whip in the baking aisle of your store.

  7. lol lol when i first read thru the resipe i thought it said 6 sticks of butter and i thought WHOA! gotta try this!

  8. Lol! Tami that's hilarious. Can you imagine a cake with 6 sticks of butter! Haha! If you use 6 sticks of butter on this cake, let me know how it turns out.

  9. LOL @Kela!

    Oh sounds scrumptious. I heard somewhere that originally pound cake was called that because one used a pound of everything in it, e.g. a pound of sugar,a pound of butter, a pound of flour, etc. Can you imagine?

    God bless!

  10. I make that one too! My husband had the recipe when we first got married and I made it once and he stopped making it and said it was "my" cake now! Hee Hee! It's definitely a crowd pleaser!
