
Monday, April 4, 2011

Serving Selflessly

Last week I was so excited when my husband received confirmation that his shift will change this week due to Spring break. That excitement continued throughout the week. I made so many plans for the family. As the days went on, my list of plans grew.

Yesterday after church my husband took me for a drive through the country. We talked. We laughed. We even flirted with each other. I then asked him what time does he have to be at work the next morning. I knew it was early, but how early I wasn't sure. He told me the time to be at work. He didn't stop talking there. He asked if I was going to make him breakfast like I always did when he worked the early shift.

My first thought was, "What about you letting me sleep in on Monday mornings and you getting up with the kids? You've allowed me to sleep in since September."

A wise woman once told me that I shouldn't say everything that comes to my mind. I'm glad I remembered that at this moment. My flesh wanted to rise up sing the "Me Song." I had begun to really enjoy my Monday morning sleep-ins. I had a routine established where I would stay up late on Sunday nights and catch up on emails, Facebook and making long distance calls.

My first calling is to my husband before anything else. The emails, Facebook, long distance phones, ect, will always be there. My husband needed to be served. Served by me. Although this service to him required me to give up something that I've become accustomed to, I still needed to serve. Serve with a thankful heart. Thankful that I have a husband who goes out and works hard to take care of his family. A man who hasn't called in sick for work in 20 years. A man who needed me to serve him selflessly.

This morning I made him a delicious breakfast. A breakfast of champions, as my son would say.

Before he left for work, he prayed for me. He asked the Lord to consume my day and the day of our children.

Boy do I love it when he prays for me!

What shall I make tomorrow morning for breakfast? :)


  1. Hello Dear Lady!
    The food looks delicious and good to eat.

    I greatly admire you for getting up early to fix your husband breakfast. May your changed schedule go just as well.

    God bless,

  2. Good for you. I've become terrible at the "me song" with my husband- and I hate it. I hate it b/c If I don't, my insides eat away in anger, and then I'm worse off. It's a lose-lose situation. I pray I can learn your temperament!

  3. Yum! We're coming to your house for breakfast! Do you get to go back to bed for a nap before the kids get up?

    Great post! :D

  4. Beautiful!

    My husband's schedule changes every seven weeks and so mine does too.

    It is a blessing to serve him by helping him in anyway that I can.

  5. Precious husbands are a gift from God...

    After seeing your breakfast menu we are hungry for breakfast in the middle of the afternoon!!

    Have a happy day.

  6. That's wonderful!

  7. You are such a blessing to him, and to your readers too! Love ya!

  8. This is very encouraging to me! I am planning to be married soon, and this will be a good reminder for me when I face some hard times with my future husband. And the food looked great! =)


  9. I just found your blog...delightful!
    Love this post.
    And the photo of you & your husband. :)

  10. you helped me a lot dear Mama of 5... thankyou!
