
Monday, June 27, 2011

Proverbs 31:12


As a Christian, I strive to be like that woman Proverbs 31 makes reference to. So often as I’ve read this passage of Scripture, a key verse was overlooked. It was verse 12.

One day I sat down and pondered this verse. I was quite puzzled because I didn’t understand why this verse stuck out to me and why I couldn’t get it off my mind. I was being a good wife and a good mother. I meant no harm to my husband. I wanted the best for him. That’s when I had an “ah ha” moment. This verse says all the days of her life. That means every single day. Even on those days when I didn’t feel like it or thought my husband was worthy enough.

You see there are some days when I don’t do my husband good. It’s those days when I allow my heart to be controlled by my feelings. Those days when I allow my thought life to be controlled by what I see. Yes, it’s those days when my flesh takes control because it no longer wants to be denied. My flesh says, “You don’t have to serve him today. You did enough on yesterday.” It’s on those days when I die to my flesh that I serve my husband with a joyful heart. I think twice before I say something that may hurt his ego. I put his needs above mine. Therefore, I must die to self on a daily basis to make sure I do him good and not evil all the days of my life.


  1. I needed to hear this today Sandra...


  2. Amen-- which is why its so important we surround our selves with other Godly woman who can show us just how this is put into action in our lives and hearts!!

    Thank you Lord for the Godly women who seek to please you as they please their husbands-- because that is truly who we are serving.. You...
