
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Through My Eyes

I'm constantly having those proud mommy moments. Two of my sons directed this short film. It's based on a true story.

Never judge someone by what you see. You never know what the story is behind that person's life. There's always a story. My family has a story. This true story could have been based on my family. There was a time when we felt hopeless. There was a time when we were almost homeless.


  1. Wow just wonderful, it brought tears to my eyes because everything that was said was oh so true we can not judge people because we do not know their life story.....Your sons and the actors in this did a wonderful job.....Praise God almighty.

  2. the talent is showing!
    Proud momma material.

    God bless,

  3. Great short film preview! I am intrigued. I had the conviction a few months ago to start volunteering at my local homeless shelter to help spread the Gospel while giving out food. Now I am reminded I need to get the ball rolling on this. :) thanks for the encouraging video!

    In Christ,

  4. Love it, and love your blog too! Can't wait to follow along! I am always having proud mommy moments too! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Keep using your talents for Jesus King Brothers! It's been so wonderful to watch you grow up online through your momma. Stand up oh man and change the world one heart at a time! God bless
