
Monday, October 3, 2011

Real Ministry

As I sit here at the kitchen table watching Sarah look up definitions of this weeks spelling words, the words spoken by my son last week keep playing over in my mind. It was just an ordinary day this school year. Sarah and I sitting across the dining room table not only "doing school," but also sharing life together when my son walked in and said, "Mom that's real ministry you're doing there."

I turned around and looked at him and asked him what was he referring to. How could this be "real ministry?" After all, I'm just a mom who is homeschooling her teenage daughter. A wife who serves her husband. A woman who loves Jesus and enjoys the simple things in life. I'm not standing before hundreds and thousands of people giving the latest talk. No one really sees what I do day to day but my family. If truth be told, there are days when I'm quite lonely and would enjoy the fellowship of adult conversation.

He proceeded to tell me just that. He said although I spend many many hours here at home, but what I'm doing here in my home is "real ministry." He thanked me over and over again for my presence here in the home. He encouraged me to continue doing what I'm doing and don't change for anything or anyone.

As a mom, to have your 20 year old son say such wonderful things is a blessing to hear. There were many years of toiling that I thought my children would never get past the years of depending on me for everything. Looking back, I'm so glad I was there because now I'm reaping the benefit of all that hard work.

Though our days may seem long and tedious, you may not get the recognition now, but wait. It will be worth it because God is true to His word:

Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.
-Proverbs 31:28


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. (I guess that's not so unusual. lol) Praise God for using your son to speak such inspiration and clarity to you and others.

  2. You're blessed and greatly loved! BUT you know that ;)

    Thank you for sharing that Godly relationships like this between mother and children DO exist!
    Proverbs 31:28; definitely lived out in your home.
    You are an inspiration to me; as I've told you several times. LOL

  3. Ohhhh what a blessing to hear that from your child. As a classroom teacher sometimes you feel the same way.

    I do the same thing, I say the same things. I feel I am pouring into the lives of the children and no one appreciates my effort they just blame me for everything that goes wrong with their children.

    The Lord remind us that we are either planting or watering the seed but its all to the good of the kingdom.

  4. Sandra,

    That is so beautiful!

    And yes it is real ministry! Praise the Lord...


  5. Your son is a very wise young man! Home is our ministry, our mission field!:)
