
Monday, March 26, 2012

Clear Skies and Sunshine

Finally after months cold and wet weather, Spring is here. Where I live, it's not that unusual to have constant rain. The winter days and night are dreary and long. Someone mentioned to me last week that without the rain we wouldn't have the beautiful spring flowers and the pretty green trees.

As I was preparing my home for Spring and sorting through my stashes of fabric, I lifted my head. I'm smiled quickly as the glistening sun appeared through the evergreen greens.
From that point on I was motivated with excitement and my mind went there. My mind took me to a place where a perfect Spring for me would consist dresses, dresses and more dresses. Did I mention that I love dresses? Well, I do. Add to that, my "need" for just more Spring clothes in general. I can't leave out my obsession with aprons. Surely, I picture myself wearing the cutest floral printed aprons.

It doesn't take long for me to snap back to reality. Reality is where I live. Before I can do any of the things my mind took me, I need to do some Spring cleaning. I found a wonderful home management notebook that's free. All you have to do is download it.
I chuckled a bit as I turned to the first page.
Yep, before I start living out my fantasy of making multiple Spring dresses, I had to make sure my home was in order. You can find the link here at Proverbs 31 Mama. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for your free "Personal Home Diary".

I am happy to say that all of my Spring material is sorted and ready to glide through the steel plates of Pearl. Pearl is my sewing machine and she has quickly become my new "bff". So if you stopped by my house this Spring, you will find me at the table with Sarah doing homeschool work, Pearl and I at the other end trying to live out my fantasy of dresses and aprons galore.

Here's a peak into my Spring projects:

Solid Linen Fabrics

Floral Printed Linen and Rayon Fabrics

Cotton Fabrics: aprons for me, aprons as gifts and house-dresses. 

I'm going to make a few aprons for some Army moms that I've met on Facebook. Our children are in basic training together right now. I will meet these women as we gather together and watch our soldiers graduate from basic training. They don't read my blog so they will be surprised :)

I do have some other aprons I will be making for me. I found this material on sale at JoAnn's Fabric. I'm getting a little more bolder with my fabric selection as I age gracefully.

I also had to sort through my patterns as well. I would not dare show a photo of all my patterns. I'm afraid my friends and neighbors will report me for hoarding. Here are the patterns that I will use this Spring.

I know that's a lot of material and a lot of ideas. I can't help but to think of the fun that Pearl and I will have as we work together watching the beautiful Spring skies in my neck of the woods.


  1. Wow Sandra, love the patterns, I could feel your love for making these beautiful different pieces, spring is another one of Gods precious seasons I so live, after getting up early and having my me and God time, I make sure my house is in order( love that) and then I'm off to
    My yard one of my favorite places to hang out, I love planting and pruning messing with my beautiful bird feeders and soaking up the sun while I'm soaking up the SON .

  2. Awww! Mrs Sandra, I enjoyed that and was very encouraged at the same time. We all need that bit of encouragement and sense of direction what to do next or first. I loved home economics in school, I had an excellent teacher! I love to sow but I wish I was encouraged by my mom to keep it up I would love to get back into that! Like you I love the dress look for the spring for church. You know those sun dresses and the ones that are tapper-ed at the waist and open up at the bottom with belts and the. pencil look.After getting the house in order,I think I would like to revisit sowing. I am gonna see if they have any class in the local community for that. Thanks

  3. Sandra this is soooo awesome!! I am encouraged and inspired! Thanks

  4. I only just discovered your blog a few days ago, but I find it so encouraging and insightful!

  5. Reading this post actually makes me excited to start sewing again. My momma is a great seamstress, I, on the other hand, have much learning to do! Thank you for your inspiration and excitement! ~Jordan

  6. Another great post! I'm also preparing my home for spring and you have given me extra encouragement. By the way, I'm loving the yellow material. :-)
