
Thursday, March 8, 2012

In Honor of International Women's Day

In honor of International Women's Day, 
I would like to honor all the women who are truly 
striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman.

Each day, as Proverbs 31 women, we rise early. We do so not to catch up on the latest gossip circuiting the news media. Many of us rise early just to catch a glimpse of what His instructions are for us written in His word.
We go into our secret place to pour out our souls to the One whom we rely on each day. Knowing that without Him, we couldn't celebrate this day or any other day; but rather succomb to the pressures of the latest trend which society tells us what a real woman is. While there in that place, we die to ourselves so that when our family looks at us, they see Him.
Some pity us because they have the tendency to think that our days are filled with drudgery. Yes, some days are hard because we are going against our selfish nature that wants to be catered to rather than catering to others. For the most part we look forward to serving our husband and training our children. Some may see us as women who sit around all day eating Bon Bons while watching the latest daytime drama on television. Truth be told, we wish we had a moment to sit and watch anything. We live our lives not being busybodies in other men's/women's matters, but rather spending our days being keepers in our homes.

At the end of today just like any other day, we will praise God for blessing our day. We will praise Him for helping us get through this day. If it's His will that we rise tomorrow morning, we will praise Him again. We live our lives to praise Him each and every day in all that we do.


  1. This is great! I to love being a woman!

  2. This is a beautiful post Sandra!!

  3. Wonderful post! I love it! being a Homemaker sometimes can be a struggle but you reminded me of the blessing of striving to be a Proverbs 31 Woman...Thank you Sandra!

  4. I just stumbled across your blog, and find it inspiring, as a young Christian girl [I'm 17, and in a commited relationship with a young man], there are SO few women out there who take the time to teach. And we - I - need it!
    Saving this to my reader!

  5. Love love love this! And you!
