
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend Breakfast

Today is the first day of Fall. Slowly, I've been cranking the oven and enjoying the aroma of baked goods. With the arrival of fresh crisp air, the scent of apple-cinnamon and pumpkin spice candles; it's a season of slowing down and enjoying the beautiful, vibrant colors of the leaves.

One thing we really enjoy around here is a hearty breakfast. In order to save time on the weekends, I prepare a big breakfast on Saturday so that there are leftovers on Sunday morning. That gives me a little extra time to get ready for church.

I found this Breakfast Casserole over at Mennonite Girls Can Cook. I must say, every recipe that I have tried on this website has been a success.

Right before it goes into the oven.

I did change a few things from what the recipe called for. I only added half the amount of sour cream.

It takes about an hour to bake depending on your oven.

The finished result from this recipe looks amazing and smells delicious.

The finished result was worth all the butter and sour cream.


  1. Looks absolutely wonderful! Maybe I'll go check it out. Thanks for sharing! :)

    God bless!

  2. Looks yummy! I'll have to check it out too.

  3. The ONE thing I miss with going to school AND working, is being in my home!!!! Nothing, absolutely nothing can replace it.
    I'm thankful for this time, but praying the year passes quickly so I can enjoy my home once again. Only thing is my youngest will be graduating then! ughhhh

    Can't wait to see your new apron and table runner.

  4. Sweet Autumn Blessings to you!
    This does look absolutely delicious. Aren't casseroles wonderful!
    One dish meals and easy clean-up.
    God bless,
