
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Freezer Apple Pie Filling

I was blessed this week with a box full of apples from an older couple at church. I decided to make Apple Pie filling and freeze it for the upcoming holiday pies. With the left over apples, I will make apple butter. (Apple butter taste delicious when it's spread on some hot, homemade biscuits.)

Here's the recipe for Apple Pie filling:

About 8 cups of apples
2 Tablespoons of butter
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 cup of sugar (I use a 1/2 cup of white and 1/2 cup of brown)
1/4 cup of all flour
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon of ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves

Put sugar and all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix.

It should look something like this when you're doing mixing. 

Dump the mixed dry ingredients in a freezer bag. 

Peel and core apples. I don't have one of those machines that peel apples. So to save time, I used an apple slicer. Once sliced, I peeled and sliced the apples.

Put the sliced apples in the freezer bag with the dry ingredients. Leave the air in there and shake the bag so that the dry ingredients coat the apples. 

 This is after the apples are coated with the dry ingredients.

 Add lemon juice and vanilla extract.

 Now, make sure all the air is out of the bag and mix. 

Now it's ready for the freezer.

I'm looking forward to baking Apple Pies this holiday season. This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving early. Two of our sons will be home. We look forward to spending precious time with them.

Word of Encouragement:
Let us, as Christian women, be busy about our homes. There are so many things that would come in and take time away from our families. If we allow those things (internet, social media, phone, going from house to house, etc.) to steal our time; it's time we can never get back.


  1. Those pies are going to be such a yummy treat, they already look delicious in the freezer bags! Thanks for posting about the time stealers. I remember you saying in a previous post how you were encouraged to stop running around town and to stay home by an older woman and I am thankful to be reminded of that. That has come to mind several times and I am spending more time at home and not at the shops trying to "kill time". Now I don't feel tempted to buy things that I didn't know I needed until I went shopping.

    I do struggle with the internet. I closed my FB account and only read about 3 blogs, but I am on another social networking site (a very worthy site) but still struggle with spending too much time on it as opposed to blessing my family.

  2. @ TMichelle, One thing that I use to keep me on track is a timer. I use him so much that I've given him a name. I call him "Timmy the Timer" It's so easy for me to get off track. I need something like this to help me stay focused while allowing me to have some down time.

  3. @ Deanna if you were here I would def share :)
