
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Journey to Simplicity Has Just Become Simpler

I did it! I went 7 days wearing only 7 pieces of clothing. I can't say that it was hard. In some ways it was, but in others, not so much. The word that's most fitting is funny with the "LOL" in caps. There were a few funny moments that I dare not share publicly. None the less, it was surely a journey that I will never forget.

I did however, learn something about myself. It had nothing to do with clothes, but everything to do with something material that up until 3 years ago I didn't have. It's my laptop. Or should I say was my laptop.

For years I longed to have my own laptop. I would literally dream about the things I could do with my laptop. For years I shared a desktop with the children and occasionally with my husband when he got on two or three times a year. One day, my dream came true.

I still remember the day bringing her home. Yes, her, because I called her "my little girl". She was mine. Everybody knew that she was mine. She was such a part of me that I gave her a name. I named her Tilly. I went so far as to add her as a daughter on my Facebook profile. I know by now you're shaking your head wondering if I had my head examined recently. Rest assure, my head is fine; well, as least that's what I've told myself for years (ha ha).

I've been longing for simplicity and carry out my commitments to the book "7" by: Jen Hatmaker. What I didn't know that my journey to simplicity would entail learning a valuable lesson about myself. You see, I had not died to self (me) the way that I thought I had. It wasn't until some material thing that was so precious to be was no longer there. Soon after, I heard something. Or should I say Someone.

"I'm all that you need Sandra. When you have Me, you have everything."

I wanted a simple life. I wanted to rid myself of excess. I wanted this journey to open my eyes to me and the things deep within me. That's exactly what He did and exactly what He's doing. He's making my life simple...

In recent days I've been reminiscing about the early days of my children's live. The days before I had a computer at all. Those days were so sweet and full of peace. We got up. We ate. We "played" school, but I was really homeschooling; I didn't know it then. I remember the days when I had no idea what was going on in the world because we didn't receive any channels on our television. Those were the days. The days where my stress consisted of a baby teething and why didn't my child eat lunch. I long for those days...

The next journey that I'm going on is a "No Stress" journey. That will be 7 days of no stress. How can that be possible? I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out. For sure that means ridding myself of those things that bring stress. My 7 days of no stress would be easier if I went to Hawaii, but I'm not. I'll let you know how it goes. Not sure when I'll be back on. I'm at the library and my session is about to expire. Until then, take care my friends.

Oh, before I forget, I gave away 7 pieces of clothing.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Unplugged: 7 Days of Wearing 7 Pieces of Clothing, Day 1

My outfit for the next 7 days...
It's only day 1 on my journey to wearing 7 pieces of clothing for 7 days. Yes, the same 7 pieces. I've been teary-eyed most of the day. I got teary-eyed the first time when I realized it was either a jacket or another piece of clothing.

Why did I get so emotional over a simple jacket? Well, because some people don't have the luxury of owning a jacket and I own several. It was at that moment that I chose to go without the jacket.

Five black skirts...Really Sandra?...Excess!

Afterward, I spent most of the afternoon sorting through clothes and transitioning for the warmer months. I put clothes in piles according to colors, prints, ect. I looked over at the pile of black skirts and I cried again.

"Will I ever stop crying?" That's the question that keeps pondering in the back of my mind...

It was then that I knew God was doing something in my heart. My 101 questionnaire interview with God started. Yes, it was like I was interviewing Him for the job of being God. It was almost like I was seeing if He was fit to really do it...*big sigh* Of course He is!

Why would I want to stop crying anyway? Why would I even question what He's doing to me while on this this journey?

I'm one of those Christians who always say, "I trust you Lord!" If that's the case why all the questions. Perhaps, it's because I trust Him when I still have some control in a sense. I've decided to let God lead me on this journey. I need to let go and follow...

I'll be back next week to tell you how my journey goes this week. This is my heartsong for the week...