
Monday, March 4, 2013

Unplugged: 7 Days of Wearing 7 Pieces of Clothing, Day 1

My outfit for the next 7 days...
It's only day 1 on my journey to wearing 7 pieces of clothing for 7 days. Yes, the same 7 pieces. I've been teary-eyed most of the day. I got teary-eyed the first time when I realized it was either a jacket or another piece of clothing.

Why did I get so emotional over a simple jacket? Well, because some people don't have the luxury of owning a jacket and I own several. It was at that moment that I chose to go without the jacket.

Five black skirts...Really Sandra?...Excess!

Afterward, I spent most of the afternoon sorting through clothes and transitioning for the warmer months. I put clothes in piles according to colors, prints, ect. I looked over at the pile of black skirts and I cried again.

"Will I ever stop crying?" That's the question that keeps pondering in the back of my mind...

It was then that I knew God was doing something in my heart. My 101 questionnaire interview with God started. Yes, it was like I was interviewing Him for the job of being God. It was almost like I was seeing if He was fit to really do it...*big sigh* Of course He is!

Why would I want to stop crying anyway? Why would I even question what He's doing to me while on this this journey?

I'm one of those Christians who always say, "I trust you Lord!" If that's the case why all the questions. Perhaps, it's because I trust Him when I still have some control in a sense. I've decided to let God lead me on this journey. I need to let go and follow...

I'll be back next week to tell you how my journey goes this week. This is my heartsong for the week...


  1. Dear Lady, you are inspiring me yet again. I have intended to do such and experiment as this for some time, but never got around to doing it. I have seen the book you are using, and hope to get my own copy soon--it sounds like a great "jump starter" for simplifying my life even further.
    Thank you again for all your posts.

  2. Bible Babe if you decide to do please keep me posted :)

  3. One woman's experiment is another woman's life, no less worthily lived.
