
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

18 Down and Many More to Go

In May of this year I starting thinking about getting healthy. So on June 1, 2013, I started a journey of healthy eating and exercising. I dare not say how much I weighed at the beginning. Not even my husband knows.

On September 24, I went to the doctor and got on the scale. I was so nervous. I'd started exercising and eating more healthier. Since I purposely don't have a scale at home, I really didn't know if I had lost anything. My clothes felt really comfortable though. To my surprise I'd lost 18 pounds! I was so excited that I posted a photo on Facebook while sitting in the exam room waiting for my doctor.

On October 15, my husband took a full body shot of me while we were waiting for our daughter to run her Cross Country meet. I'm not a fan of body shots, but I was happy to see this one.

I'm not sure how much weight I want to lose. I will share more about my journey as time permits. However, I do know that I want to be healthy. Being healthy looks different for each person. I want to encourage you to find a "healthier you" in the midst of serving your family.