
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

18 Down and Many More to Go

In May of this year I starting thinking about getting healthy. So on June 1, 2013, I started a journey of healthy eating and exercising. I dare not say how much I weighed at the beginning. Not even my husband knows.

On September 24, I went to the doctor and got on the scale. I was so nervous. I'd started exercising and eating more healthier. Since I purposely don't have a scale at home, I really didn't know if I had lost anything. My clothes felt really comfortable though. To my surprise I'd lost 18 pounds! I was so excited that I posted a photo on Facebook while sitting in the exam room waiting for my doctor.

On October 15, my husband took a full body shot of me while we were waiting for our daughter to run her Cross Country meet. I'm not a fan of body shots, but I was happy to see this one.

I'm not sure how much weight I want to lose. I will share more about my journey as time permits. However, I do know that I want to be healthy. Being healthy looks different for each person. I want to encourage you to find a "healthier you" in the midst of serving your family.


  1. Congratulations, dear lady. I lost 62 pounds a few years back, then when we moved back to Texas, I gained some back. I have been putting off getting bcl on track, but now you have inspried me to return to my wellness program--thank you. I'll be following your adventures.

    Bible Babe

  2. Hey!

    I don't know you personally, but I do follow your blog- it is encouraging, thanks for writing when you get the time!

    So happy to hear your no-nonsense approach to weight loss: eating healthier and exercising. It's not about looking like a supermodel- it's about being the best version of the you that God has made.

    Congratulations on that 18 pounds- that is a terrific achievement!

    If you'd ever like some encouragement on your health and fitness journey, feel free to visit my blog:

    That's the link for my first post, back when I started seriously working on being healthier. I post two-three times per month.

    Enjoy those healthy changes- I am a firm believer that good health changes are addictive- the better you start to feel, the healthier you want to be!

    Good luck!


  3. Lane thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement. I'm headed over now to take a look at your blog.

  4. Congratulations, that's fantastic!!!

  5. Many times I over think ways of improving my health instead of just keeping it simple and taking baby steps. As the saying goes slow and steady wins the race. Your post has left me very inspired and encouraged to get back on the bandwagon and not give up. Thank you.

  6. Awesome! Congrats. I look forward to hearing updates on your continued journey. Blessings :)

  7. What a great blessing to see your doing well Ms. Sandra!! Congrats on your weight loss that is awesome!!! I truly miss you and I shall write you soon:)


  8. Thanks Rebecca! I'm down over 30 lbs now :)
