
Monday, February 24, 2014

Has It Been That Long?

Has it been that long since I last posted a blog? Yes it has. I've been doing life and enjoying it to the fullest. So much has changed since I last blogged. One thing that hasn't changed is love. Especially, love that comes from family.
Autumn season of 2013 was amazing here on the home front. Our youngest son finished his time overseas serving at his first duty. I still can't believe at the young age of 18 he was on a plane to South Korea for a year serving his country. A year! A year without seeing him sitting across the dinner table or cutting slivers of cake until it was all gone. He came back to the states in November. During his time here, he spoiled us! All of us. Now he is stationed far from home, but at least he is in America.
Some things never change. Our sons still want to wrestle Dad when they come home.
Just when we thought things were starting to settle, our daughter in-love went into labor. It was a long labor. That labor of love produced our third grandbaby. I applaud my son's bride. She went through labor and delivery without my son. My son was deployed during the time of his baby's birth. Thanks to technology, he was able to witness the his first child being born. I really appreciate them so much. They are really good about sending videos and photos of the baby.
Photo Courtesy of Port City Photography
Our two other grandbabies are growing up so fast. They are doing wonderful. The oldest, he's so polite and loves taking care of his little brother. The youngest is now wearing glasses. I miss the so much! It's been one year and two months since I've seen them. I'm hoping to see them soon.
Each day, I still hang out at the kitchen table with her...I love homeschooling her. She's so much fun to hang out with. She's getting ready for track season that starts next week. She got a spot on the Girls Varsity Cross Country team. The team went to state and came in fourth place.
In the midst of things, I've managed to lose 30 pounds! I feel great. I've dropped four dress sizes. On Valentine's Day, I revealed myself in a little back dress. I was nervous at first, but it fit. We had a blast at the Sweetheart Banquet.
A long time ago, an older woman gave me some valuable advice. She encouraged me to never let the spark go out of my marriage. So glad I listened. We are more in love today than we were yesterday. In a matter of years, our nest will be empty...Our love for each other will always be full.


  1. So wonderful to see your beautiful smiling face.God has truly been good to you all.Congratulation to your family for all the great things happening and to you for your weight lose, you look amazing.

  2. You look amazing! I've always loved your blog, but stopped reading it last year because my husband passed away suddenly. My children and I are well, and I'm happy to be back blogging and reading. Anyway, you look great and are motivating me to get healthy! Keep up the great work! Your family inspires me that I can have the same one day!

  3. Oh Lauren sorry to hear about your husband passing away. I can't even imagine! I just prayed for you. Welcome back to blog land and thank you for reading my blog.

  4. You have always been beautiful, but you are positively GLOWING now! You are an inspiration to me.

  5. Thank you Karen for your sweet compliment :)

  6. Missed you and your posts, Mrs. Sandra! Blesings to you and your family. You look amazing!!

  7. Everyone looks great! Congrats on grandbaby #3! Keep it up and you will be a size 2 soon. Ha ha. Please post any sewing projects you have done. Spring is coming!!

  8. I'm so glad you've returned to writing your blog!

  9. Blessings to you! So glad our Spring has arrived, but then snow is in the forecast Sunday. Can't believe it.

    Your Grand-babies are so very sweet!

    Congrats on the weight loss.
    Proud of you,
