
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Leaving An Inheritance

Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

I read this about 2 months ago and it stirred something in me. No no no I wasn't jumping up and down with excitement because our financial retirement is secure. Quite the opposite. I was a little discouraged. How in the world am I suppose to leave an inheritance for my children's children when I'm not sure I can leave one for my children. Things are tight. Let's not forget what Houdini did. One night while we were asleep, Houdini visited our retirement account and did some kind of magic trip. It was a magic trick that had gone wrong and we weren't laughing. Still, in spite of it all I was stirred with excitement. I don't have lots of money to leave my children's children, but I have a great inheritance to leave. My children can and will inherit more than money from me.

God has given me so many gifts and talents that I can pass on to my children. I can teach my girls to sew and they can teach their daughters. What a precious inheritance that I will leave for the females in my lineage. I love the holidays when the girls and I are standing over a big mixing bowl crumbling cornbread to make homemade dressing. In the kitchen we talk about life. It's an opportunity to share secrets. Secret ingredients to make a meal that's sure to touch the heart of their future husbands and put his mommas food on the back burner.

I love to utter the words King Lemuel's mother uttered to him in Proverbs 31. I teach my sons to stay away from wayward young women. Don't give them your strength and when they come your way, I tell them to run like they stole something. (I don't encourage my kids to steal, but you know what I mean.) Oh what an inheritance the men in the King family will receive as they pass on the wisdom on what to look for when trying to find that good thing.

I'm not sure how much money we will be able to leave our children and their children. I'm at peace about our retirement, my children and children's children financial future. I'm not the least bit worried because the 2nd part of the verse tells me that Houdini and his friends are storing up for us.

*Here on this blog I will leave an inheritance of wisdom and transparency for my children and their children. Wisdom to follow God because they are world changers. Transparency so that the world can see God in them.


  1. I needed this reminder today. Thank you.

  2. Sandra this was good, very good.
    when we talk I have something to share with you that will bless you about this scripture.

  3. Today I had a conversation with my daughter about how much a wedding costs. She's years away from that but I was already discouraged because of looking at tomorrows needs with today's resources. I am grateful for the reminder that we bless our childrn with much more than monetary goods. How much more to teach them faith in action and letting them see us pray for our needs to be met!


  4. I too needed this reminder, as I look at my account and can't even see how the bills will get paid, let alone leave a financial inheritance to my children. But their is a greater inheritance than money and I praise God for using me to make that change in my family!!!

  5. What a great post. I too take comfort in the fact that God is good and I can impart intangible knowledge in my three princes that money can't buy! Blessings

  6. BTW...we too use cornbread for "DRESSING" during the holidays...I'm sorry but I didn't grow up with stuffing so I'm partial

  7. i don't have any money either... any financial security, but sister, we have great security in Him, don't we?

    this was such a warm and comforting article... i still think you should submit some of your stuff to laf (this one for starters!)

  8. That's absolutely right. The Christian faith, and a Christian upbringing is quite an inheritance to leave children.

  9. Beautifully written. You are teaching and sharing with your children great and mighty things that they will have with them a lifetime. They will so appreciate this.

    To think the inheritance we inherit when Christ becomes Savior to us is far more valuable than money. We become an heir when adopted into the family of God.

    That's something to shout about!

  10. Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for sharing that with us! Amen & amen! Great job!

    Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you
    mind praying for the prayer requests that are
    on our main page?

    May the Lord bless you and your family!!

    Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay

    ps - please consider "following" our blog
    -or- atleast grab one of our free, linking,
    blue buttons. ( see top sidebar at ).

    •´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Visit Us Soon!.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•

  11. This is beautiful. I was just talking to a friend this morning about life not being all about money, but those intangible blessings that come through a sacrificial life, family, and living for Christ.

    Growing up, I had it all wrong, living my life for the almighty dollar. I'm just so glad God didn't leave me there and now I'm growing in Him and learning how to do things his way!

  12. You have a beautiful blog.
