
Monday, March 30, 2009

Marriage Is a Promise to Love

Marriage is a covenant between two people who deeply sense that their lives are, and always will be, shared as one.

Marriage is the fulfillment of a dream and an awareness that reality also can bring us the beauty of dreams.

Marriage is a promise that today is the beginning of a future that will nurture love, respect, honor and mutual faith as the greatest strengths for its foundation.

Marriage is an understanding between two sensitive, intelligent, and caring people who have evidenced that true love can survive all obstacles and grow stronger with the passage of time.

~Edith Schaffer Lederberg


  1. Beautiful quote!

    Sandra, thanks for your comment on "Life With Three Under Three." When I became a Christian I immediately took to the older mothers as well. I had a desire to grow in wisdom as much as I could, and I figured most of my peers couldn't teach me as much since they had many of the same struggles I had.

    I feel you when you say you still look for that sister to come in the church! I do praise God though, because he always seems to bless me w/the knowledge and support I need when I need it one way or another(sometime through reading blogs!)

  2. Thanks for the reminder Sandra, it's straight to the point but still allows "you" to think on it.


  3. Oh, that is good. We have been married 39 years this year. I was barely 17 when we got married (we were high school sweethearts) and my husband was in the Army.

    We have had some very serious problems during our married life, but none so bad that the Lord cannot help you to overcome them.

    Thank you for that post.

  4. We've been married since we were 19 ourselves, out of high school. We found Christ in crisis, almost leading us to divorce...

    But He makes all things new.

    I'd say that marriage is also a reflection of the union between Jesus Christ and His bride, the Church. Just as He'd never leave or forsake us, it behooves us to see our own covenant relationship through, to His glory.


  5. Thank you for sharing these words! They are truly a blessing.

    God bless :)
