
Monday, April 27, 2009

A Wife's Special Thoughts About Her Husband

As a wife, when I have thoughts about my husband it brings a smile to my face. I know sometimes I may get on other people's nerves because when I start to talk about my husband because I can go on and on. I guess you can say he so intrinsic. I've never met a man with so much integrity in all my life. I marvel at the thought of his strong stance on the Word of God. I love sitting on the couch surrounded by his children listening to him lead our family in devotions. He sets an example for us as we watch him deny his flesh when fasting for long periods of time.

Each night before I close my eyes to sleep, he reads to me the "Scripture for today was...." I lay there listening to the sound of his voice as the God of Word proceeds from his mouth. Then he proceeds to pray a blessing over me and that God will give me a good night's rest and sweet dreams. When I get up in the morning and go into the family room, I love to catch him on his knees before Our Father. I quietly tiptoe back into the bedroom as my heart rejoices over Don and the God we serve.

I know I'm not the only woman who has special thoughts about her husband. I read a poem this morning that blessed my heart.

A Wife's Special Thoughts About Her Husband
by: Laurel Atherton

A husband is the one special man who brings every happiness and shares every sweetness with the woman who is fortunate enough to be his wife.

A husband is the one special soul who is the love of her life.

A husband is a desire to never be apart.
He is the answer to one of the most important questions anyone can ask;
he is whom you want to spend all your days with.....always.
No one else is quite like him.
No one else is capable of reaching you in the same way.
There is something wonderful about him that brightens the days and makes dreams come true.
He is the one man in the world you want to walk with along life's path.
Together, the two of you have warmth of every today, you still do.
And forever, he will be the one you want to be beside as you discover everything tomorrow has in store.

A husband is your one special man, and you wish he could really understand how wonderful he is. Because there is no one you could possibly love more.

*What special thoughts do you have about your husband. Think about it and write it down. If the thoughts that come to your mind aren't special, deny the flesh and write anyway. You'll be amazed at the flames that can rekindle when you press through.


  1. Thanks for that beautiful poem. I am also blessed with a husband who is faithful to God and me. He isn't perfect (but I'm not either.) He is God-fearing, honest, loyal, a good provider and the list goes on and on. I know he'd give me the world if he had it. We've been in love since we were 20 and it's been a great ride. I'm thankful for my husband and it's great to see other women who are greatful too.

  2. How very sweet this post is.
    Like the poem and will reread throught the week.
    You are a blessed woman to have a godly husband that prays and for you!
    A sweet couple you make.
    Wonderful to read about you.

    God Bless,

  3. Very good post. Enjoyed the poem. We have been married 35 years and always give the Lord the credit. It takes Jesus to make a house a home. I have been blessed with a great husband.

  4. Thank yo for sharing the poem. It's is a joy to hear other women speak so nicely about their husbands because there are those who are going through difficult times. I thank the Lord for mine.

  5. What a wonderful gift God has given you in your husband! I am so thankful for mine, too!!! :D
    What you wrote about him was just beautiful.
    I'm glad that you and I are blogfriends and sisters-in-Christ!
    In His Love,

  6. My blog friend.. I loved this post! What a blessing you bestowed on your spouse.. not but a few weeks ago did I post something similar for my beloved so I thought I would just share the link so you could read...

    Praising the Lord that He is restoring our Godly men to His ways and will- May they be Mighty in Him!

  7. you know what i see when i see that picture of you and your dh? true content happiness. beautiful!!

  8. What a blessing!!! So beautiful to see and hear that more men are turning their hearts to God and their families. Way to go God!

  9. How wonderful that this was done on our anniversary.I sometimes get so scared that people will end up thinking I'm just bragging or showing off but sister, my husband is WONDERFUL and I love him to bits.If it weren't for him I seriously doubt I'd be a Titus 2 wife right now!

  10. Great post! The trend in the world today seems to be that it's ok to complain about your spouse, but never to praise him.. how lame is that :P

    I love the picture you've posted.. the two of you look exactly like our pastor and his wife.. that's real funny ;)

    Greetings from the netherlands!

  11. Wow. Your thoughts about your husband are so sweet. I know what you mean about thinking you might be getting on others nerves when talking so much about your husband:) I feel like I do that sometimes too. But, I just am so thankful that we are married and am so in love with the person that he is, its hard not to go on and on about at times!

  12. I must admit I haven't always had good thoughts about my husband, but thank God for Jesus; I love my man!

  13. Its 2012 and your post is still blessing.

  14. Just read this and i am wowed by it. Really inspiring and potent. A thought that would never go stale. I'm a new mum and wife, married two years now... My man loves God and in our formative stage, marriage though trying is progressing beautifully by God's grace. I would do same and send to him, just to let him know i really appreciate him.

  15. My husband is the reason I now understand agape love! Joe leads me in prayer and scripture reading daily..we build each other up. In my weak moments he is strong and when he has weak moments I am strong..We make God our center! We are blessed!! center!!!

  16. That's a wonderful post.
    Made me want to write my own love messages for husband and send to him right now. Sweet

