
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Birthday Wish For My Little Sister

Today is my youngest child's birthday. Sarah turned 11 today. My oldest daughter Ruth wrote a special birthday tribute to her. I thought I'd post it here and share this special bond between 2 sisters that are 8 years apart.

(Psssst!! Read this to Sarah) =)
Happy Birthday Little Sister! Well, I guess you are that little anymore huh? 11 years old. Girl, you're getting old! But as beautiful as ever (we can thank Mom for those cute genes she gave us ;)
I remember when Mom and Dad brought you home from the hospital. You were so small and fragile and cute. And I wanted to be their little helper, so I picked you up and carried you to their room to give you a bath....of course I must have done something wrong because Mom and Dad started to freak out when they looked up and saw me holding you. It was all a blur, but I remember hearing that I wasn't holding you up right, or that I could have dropped you, etc. Afterwards when they saw me balling my eyes out in my room, they came in and explained how important is was that I was careful when I held you. Sarah, when I picked you up for the first time that day, my heart jumped. Here was my sister. I wanted to talk to you, and wanted to show you how to do things. I wanted to be the best big sister for you.
And day after day, I would come and check on EVERY time you were sleeping just to watch you breathe. I would sit there for the longest periods of time watching you open your mouth, and turn over in your basinette. I would pat your back when you woke up, and fix the little strands of hair on your head so you would stay looking like an angel while you slept.
I remember wanting to always be the one who fed you. Sarah, there were days though that I wanted to just put your baby food on the counter and walk away! You would spit it right out and smile. Like you knew that I didn't want you to do that, and it was a game. I laugh now because of how cute I remember you being.
Even when you got a little older, and you started to get really bossy, I still loved you.
And then I went off to college. And it didn't hit me until the day before I left that you really loved me too. You cried, and that made me cry. Being away from home this last year was really hard. I missed out on watching you go from being a little girl to being an almost (and I mean almost because you are not grown yet!) pre-teen.
But I'm so glad to have you nearby. I love hanging out with you, laughing, tickling (even though I say I don't like to be tickled), joking and making fun of the boys, swimming, watching a movie and eating popsicles. I love spending time with you.
So! All of that is to say that I am thinking about you today. It's your special day and I hope it is extra special for you =)
Happy 11th Birthday Sarah Esther King =)


  1. Sweet sweet daughters you have!
    Both so very pretty.

    Aren't they just the best?
    God bless,

  2. Happy birthday little one.May God hold you in the palm of His hands.May His grace be with you and your loving parents.

  3. They're so pretty and I love their hair!

  4. Oh! Happy Birthday Ruth!

    What a touching tribute from an older sister to a younger. I pray that my girls will have a special bond like this as well1

  5. Your girls are so beautiful inside and out. I had tears reading that beautiful letter. What a blessing they are.

  6. Oh my goodness, that was (and is) so precious.

    Happy Birthday, Sarah.

    God bless.

  7. Simply beautiful! happy belated birthday! enjoying your posts on facebook, in this busy world I am thanking God for everything and everyone! be blessed, the background music is so soothing!

  8. This was so beautiful. Ruthi and Sarah you are blessed to have each other.

  9. Sisters are our bestfriend and rival, in a friendly way. I feel blessed that I have one and I love her. It's so soothing to read such nice birthday wishes for sister, which made me like this post. Such Lovely girls.

  10. Such a beautiful post! Love your sweet birthday messages for sister. May you and your family be blessed with harmony and more happiness. Hugs xxx
