
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Prayer For Homekeepers

Humbly I bow before You Father
On my bended knees I pray.
Matters of my heart are many, I have so much to say.
Encouragement my sister she needs,
Keeping her home with a family she feeds.
Embracing the changes occurring in her life,
Everyday she's serving as a mother and trying to be a virtuous wife.
Please Lord give her the strength to endure,
Even in her darkest hour You're there for sure.
Remind her of the great job she's doing,
Still on today Lord, let her hear You wooing.

By: Sandra King
Written on January 11, 2005

There are times I've neglected the most important relationship in my life. My relationship with the Lord. No, I haven't fallen off the band wagon or ran away from home to go find myself. But, as a keeper of my home, my days are filled with the many tasks that are set before me. I'll admit that days have gone by without me stopping to talk with the Lord. What I mean is, I can go without days going into my prayer closet. That secret place where I can just pour my love on the Lord.

When my husband makes a request for me to spend time with him, I'm quick to respond to his needs. What about the Lord? I must take the time to spend and go into that secret place. How can I do that with the kids and my husband wanting my full undivided attention? Let's not forget the house that needs to be tended to and meals that need to be prepared.

This morning I went to that secret place. Although physically I didn't go, but my heart was there. While making blueberry muffins and eggs this morning, my heart just became full. Full of love for my Heavenly Father who just wanted to talk to me even in the midst of making breakfast for my family. I stopped for just a quick minute and shared with the Lord out of a heart with gratitude. So much gratitude that words of expression couldn't flow from my lips. God knew that my words were few, but the tears were many. Expressions from a heart so in love with Him. Not only for what He has done, but for who He is.


  1. Your words have truly touched my heart. In the hustle and bustle for many years I have not given God His due in my life. Even now I'm struggling with letting go of a relationship that does not honor Him in my life(a friend I've had for years). I'm giving God that time again and you are inspiring me to give Him that time in all I do. God bless you.

  2. Hey Sandra, some of those tears and loss of words were for me. Thanks!


  3. Sandra,
    Beautiful poem.
    May I post this on my blog with your name and blogspot mentioned?


  4. Tangee bless and we will continue to encourage each other to spend time with Him.

    Larie I'm praying for you and think of you often :)

    Deanna I would be honored if you posted this your blog!

  5. Love your poem & your post. It reminds me about giving God 10%. Many take this as giving tithing, but it also is for 10% of our time, prayer time, devotion, etc. I need to get back to my secret place as well. The everyday stuff is taking more out of me, but I know that I have to return to my time with God.

    Thanks for this posting!

  6. Amen!It's lovely.May we ever seek His face.

  7. Thank you for that Sandra.. Like you my tasks are many- and I learning from women like you to prioritize Myself and my life.. My relationship with my Lord must be healthy or it affects the rest of me, and things around me.

    May I print out your prayer?

    Love to you dear Sister


  9. Angie sure you can print out the prayer.
    Have a good day my friend :)

  10. You always have something inspirational and encouraging for your readers. Your post are a gentle reminder of how great God is. I love the special time that I share with our Father. His love is so amazing.

    I wanted to respond to the comment you left regarding my Homekeeping while on Vacation post. It takes a bit of planning to pull it off but it is so worth it. It is quite easy to accomplish once you've planned on preparing meals while on vacation. I have been doing it for 6 years now.

    We do eat out while vacationing but the bulk of our meals are things that we have cooked from scratch on pre-cooked (at home) just for eating while on vacation. It's not just the food that I enjoy. I love being able to create an intimate family meal even away from home.

    Thanks for commenting.

  11. Thank you for the permission to post your poem. Will be doing so in a few days!

    Blessings and pray things are going great at the new location,

  12. I am so sorry for those moms that do not possess the patience to allow their children to help around the house. I used to be that mom.

    I would do many things for my children in an attempt to make sure that everything was done perfectly. I was wearing myself out.

    My 5 and 7 year old do not make there beds neatly all of the time, but I have learned to accept it and also show them how to smooth it out. Some days I just ignore it and others I use as a teaching moment to help them become better at making beds.

    My husband is the one who encouraged me to allow the children to help me at home. I am so thankful that I took his advice.

  13. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. Your words resonated with me deeply. I look forward to reading more of your words. :)

    PS. You have a beautiful family!!!!

  14. Lovely poem, Sandra. Hope things are going well in your new location.

  15. I'm so pleased to meet you! Thank you for stopping by and commenting at my blog. It looks like we share so many views and ideas.
    Be blessed and I hope to get to know you better. :)

  16. Thank you so much for your prayer for homemakers! I am a SAHM that homeschools and your words were just what I needed to hear~so lovely! God bless you, Rose

  17. Thanks for the prayers....and I just LOVE those moments with my Lord! (Hugs)

  18. Dear Beautiful Friend,
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words for my mother. You are a blessing. I love this post. You have a gift from the Father for inspiring and encouraging others.
    Have a wonderful day.

  19. What a beautiful poem! I enjoyed this post very much! Thanks for sharing.
