
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting Settled

On June 30th we set out on a new adventure. We were so excited because it meant that things had fallen into place for the move. We were transitioning from Idaho to the state of Washington.

On June 29th, we started loading the big yellow Penske truck. We were so blessed to have people there to help us, especially the teenagers that had frequented our home on many occasions. It was bitter sweet for me. I love the people in Idaho and will never forget them. Some friendships that were made there will last a lifetime.

We love our new place. It's better than I could have possibly imagined. Don had talked to me about what we could afford before I started looking. In the back of my mind I was thinking, "It sure would be nice if he could add a little more $$$ to that figure." He expressed his desire to continue having me keeping our home and being here with the kids even though they are getting older. As always I trust my husband because I know he will always do what's best for us. I wanted to honor him and my Lord by coming under his submission.

God came through in a big way for me. We found this place by "accident" but we know it was God ordained. It's only 2 years old. In a gated community. On the very outskirts of town which is where we wanted to be. Granite counter tops with stainless steel appliances with tile flooring. The balcony is to die for with a view of beautiful evergreen trees. They painted accent walls with the colors of my choice. There's a pool and a gym. This place will be our home for the next year at least.

So we are getting settled. I can finally see the carpet on the floor. The boxes are quickly vanishing away. My kitchen is as cute a button with all my cow stuff and farm animals. I love walking by the curio cabinet and looking at my collection of porcelain dolls. I love this place and I'm content with the simple things in life.

Throughout this time I learned that by honoring my husband, God will honor me with the desires of my heart. I'm constantly redoing this lesson over and over again. Maybe it's because submission is not an easy thing to do. I have to deny my flesh sometimes and not tell the brother what I really think. So that means I have to watch my tongue and guard my heart. When I speak words, whether good or bad, they go into eternity and I can't take them back. I want the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable in His sight.


  1. I am still smiling and rejoicing over the hand of God covering this move and the blessing that He provided.

  2. What a blessing and a testimony to God's goodness and provisions! I'm so happy for you all and am honored to follow your blog and hear you give praise and honor to Our King!!!!

  3. You are doing great, Sandra! Keep going and God bless!

  4. Thank you once again, I needed this word. My love wants me to work a bit one day in the future so I am going to school. Actually it has been my hearts desire since I was a wee thing of 4 years. That my husband would push me towards that desire is wonderful. Sometimes though I wish he wanted other things for me. I get so tired. It is good to listen to him and Him. :)

  5. Congrats on your new place! I was wondering how your move was going!

    Your home sounds so beautiful! God is AWESOME! I am happy for you.

    I think that that lessen you keep "repeating over" is one most of us wives have to repeat over. God is very often allowing me to get in test where the answer is simply: "trust and follow your husband" This is so much easier said than done:)

  6. Sandra.. it sounds like such a lovely home! God is just so good♥

    Any chance you might share pictures of your new digs.. once you get all settled of course☺

  7. I can attest to your comment about having to do lessons over again. Submission is a hard one for me as well as denying myself.


  8. Congrats on your new place. I wish you all the best!

  9. really glad you found a great place,i'm happy for you and wish only the very best!!!!!.


  10. Dearest Sandra, Hi!
    Your new residence sounds absolutely lovely. It will be a wonderful place to live.

    I liked your post and want to take what you've said to heart. This is a good post.

    Here is a virtual plate of Welcome/Home Warming cookies with the types of cookies your family enjoys. 2 for each of you! Aren't they lovely? I baked all afternoon. Grins.

    I will enjoy hearing about your adventures in Washington.

  11. Congratulations on the new place!

  12. Thanks for the update!! I definitely prayed for you guys. Your Praise Report is awesome. I'm glad the move went well & you guys are settling in. Blessings :)

  13. So glad to hear you are settling in the new place well, with Jesus of course :)
    God Bless

  14. Congrats on your new place. God is blessing you in this transitional time. Keep up the good work. We're happy for you!
