
Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Happenings Around My Home

Fall is in full swing inside and outside my home. Twice this past week I went outside without a sweater only to feel the chill air rush through me. The Fall leaves look beautiful nestled among the evergreen trees.

Inside my home, the smell of Spiced Apple & Cedar candle scent brings much delight as I sit by the window with my sewing machine.

My Fall lap quilt that I made with leftover scrap material from a Royal Ranger project I did a few years ago.

Fall lap quilt resting on the rocking chair that I nursed & held my babies in.
Fall table runner.


  1. Dear Sandra,
    Your beautiful projects you have made are so nice!
    Good to see them.
    I hope to one day make some fabric projects. I've been quilting in my mind for years...grins.
    It's just not the same as actually completing them.
    You have something to be pleased with and smile about,

  2. Oh those are such wonderful quilts and runners. You truly are talented. I wish I had that skill as well. It has finally cooled around here and we're all excited because we might be getting rain.
    Happy harvest!

  3. My, My, My you have been busy and you did a wonderful job! Those are very beautiful!!!

  4. Your quilt and table runner are absolutely beautiful. I wish that I could do such beautiful quilting.

  5. Such an awesome Proverbs 31 woman! I am so pleased to have you as a friend, dear Sandra!

  6. Those are beautiful items you have!

  7. those are lovely and you look soo happy in your new home..happy fall my friend!..xx

  8. Your creations are beautiful. I can feel the warmth and love radiating in your home. Blessings to you my friend.

  9. You're quilted items are lovely. Thats a skill I wish I had picked up from my granny so that I could pass it on.

  10. Hey, I just found your blog. Love the quilt and table runner.

  11. You are a Kreativ blogger... I am giving you a Kreativ blogger award. See my last post to learn more. Participation is encouraged, but not Mandatory.

  12. OHHHH I love your new quilt!! Thank you for sharing it


  13. Those quilts are beautiful! Don't they give such a cozy and warm feel to the home environment?

  14. those are gorgeous!!! you may mail both to me at ..... ~smile~

    i know i've been mia on commenting on blogs recently - i am doing my best just to read them lol!

    but you are always on my mind and in my prayers!

  15. These are glorious quilt creations. Good for you for using your artistic energy on them.
    I am a member of a group of writers that we call The Word Quilters.
    There are so many ways to glorify Jesus, whether sewing, writing or what all.

  16. What beautiful quilt/sewing projects! I have some quilts that my grandmother made for us, and I've been thinking about starting a small project of my own, but I went to the fabric store and it was so intimidating that I left without buying anything! I'm planning to venture back again next week, this time to actually leave the store with some fabric!

  17. Your quilts are beautiful!! What a creative gift and talent.

    I absolutely love the Fall!!!

    Blessings :)

  18. Those look really beautiful. Came over via Organized Homemaking for Christ.

    Have a great day.
