
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Help With Blogger

First of all I want to apologize to those who's blogs I've been following and now it shows me not following. I'm still following because it comes through my feed and I'm able to read your blogs. When I click on "follow" it tells me that the site owner has blocked me. Now I know all y'all didn't block me from following you.

If someone can help me fix this please let me know.


  1. I've tried changing to settings, but it says the site is down.

  2. I'm going to be following your blogs through my Yahoo profile. I'll do this until blogger can figure out what the problem is.

  3. Dear Sandra,
    I wish I was more of a techie genious, but I struggle with this. If I hear how to fix this I'll contact you. Hope all works out.

    A couple months ago I was trying to fix something on my blog and my picture disappeared and became a shadow. Still trying to fix this.


  4. Sandra, here is my link again.

    please let me know if this will allow you to see it and hopefully soon we will all have a clue as to how to fix this mishap.

    Be Blessed,

  5. This has happened to me too. I'm sorry that I have no idea how to fix it. I definately would never block you :-)

  6. Hi Sandra!
    Saw your pretty smiling face return as a follower. This is a very nice picture of you. So glad to hear from you.

    I'm still a shadow picture on all the blogs I follow. I'm one of your shadow followers! I'm hoping when I can get my daughter and hubby to help me I'll return as a picture again and also get some music on my page. I'm hoping by 2010.

    I'm timid at changing things on blogger because I am not educated with all the things we can do with blogging! Sure am having fun with blogging.

    Talk to you soon.
    God bless,

  7. I love ya Sandra!!! You are so tender hearted and sweet :) May you feel His presence real big today!

    love ya!

  8. Oh boy...I was wondering what happen to you. I figured you were busy with settling in a new area. Anyhoo... no I would never block you. I hate it when computer problems happen...I know the feeling.
