
Friday, October 30, 2009

I Miss My Time With You

Last Saturday Don and I went to the Dollar tree because I "had" to get me some Boston Baked Bean. I was so shocked when I enter the store because all I saw was Christmas display. The store did display some thing for the harvest season, but it got lost in the midst of the Christmas items. After a few minutes of dancing up and down the aisles because I was so excited about the holiday season I forgot what I came into the store for.

Within just a short time, I was able to focus on how I was going to decorate our place this year, the gifts I wanted to make and the ham that I wanted to put on the cute plate that was on display. Once I snapped back to reality, I went over and got my 5.5 ounces of Boston Baked Beans for a $1.00. Trying not to get distracted again.

While standing at the register to pay for my treat, I lost focus again because I saw the cutest wired trees that would look cute with a candle burning inside of it. I nudged Don and get tried to get him focused on my eyes delight, but he was determined to get in and get out. (Thank God for husbands at the Dollar Tree :)

The calming effects of riding in the car got me to thinking. I started thinking about how I can lose focus during the holiday season and totally forget about my time with the Lord. I can rise early in the morning to throw bread in the oven and bask in the aroma as I finish putting the hem in an apron from the night before. The night before I had burned the midnight oil because I wanted to do "one more thing" before I retired for the night.

I thought about how God is a jealous God. He doesn't want me to put anything or anyone before Him. I was doing all the right things, but I was still wrong. I had neglected the one who gave me the gifts and talents. He didn't give the gifts to me so that I can use them to neglect Him.

Father I thank You for the gifts that You have given me. When you created me in my mother's womb, You anointed my hands and gave me a creative mind. Forgive me for neglecting You during the past holiday seasons and putting other things before You. As I'm on the brink of a new holiday season, I hear You say not to get to busy because You miss Your time with me.


  1. Great insight. Thanks for the post a good one.

  2. Blessings to you, Sandra!
    I just luv Dollar General and Dollar Tree!!! I have purchased some great buys there and am thankful I can shop there.

    You will have a great time this Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new Washington home!

    I have been thinking about decorating and where things will go.

    God has blessed Mr. Harris with such a warm and wonderful singing voice. So talented.

    Have a nice week-end as we welcome November in.

  3. Oh Sandra, I can't tell you how timely this is as the Lord uses the current trials to purify me & draw me back to/closer to Christ our Saviour!!!! He IS a jealous God.

  4. Oh Sandra, I can't tell you how timely this is as the Lord uses the current trials to purify me & draw me back to/closer to Christ our Saviour!!!! He IS a jealous God.

  5. Wow! We do tend to get so caught up in everything else and put God on the back burner (so to speak) when in fact if it was not for Him, where would we be? This is great. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I LOVE Dollar Tree too! You are so right about our time with God. He has blessed us with so many people, things, and opportunities, that sometimes our focus falls on those things and it's good to remember that our God is a jealous God and it's nice to enjoy our blessings, but we must remember to keep our eyes on Him and to put Him first. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Sandra,

    Thanks for this posting. It's confirmation on what I've been praying on lately. I truly have to get back on track with my time with God.


  8. Amen. This is one of my favorite songs and always helps to bring things back into perspective.

  9. I LOVE the Christmas season! I understand what you mean about getting excited when going into the stores and seeing all of the decor and getting excited!

    You're right that it is easy to get swept away in being busy and to neglect time w/God.

    I actually had so much going on this morning that I had to just stop for a minute in the middle of the kitchen and start praying and praising God before I went on w/ my day!

  10. This is my first visit to your blog and I love your post. I even wrote a book about celebrating Christmas, so you know I love this holiday like you do.
    I don't know of any Dollar Tree stores near me, but they sound like a hoot!

  11. Great post, Sister! I find that when things get to be to crazy, it's probably because I've lost focus of our Lord, and His purpose for me.

    I want to thank you for following my blog, too.

    Be blessed!
