
Monday, November 16, 2009

Beauty Beyond the Blemish

This morning I was putting my Christmas quilt together when I noticed a blemish in my quilt. I had to take a second and a third look because it was very hard to see. Being the creator of the quilt it didn't bother me that the 4 1/2 square that contained 4 smaller squares was upside down. All I saw was how beautiful the quilt was and how pleased I was with the work of my hands. I had visioned what I wanted the quilt to look like even before I cut the squares & triangles. Not once did I vision the blemish, but I'm pleased with it none the less.

During the past weeks of working on the quilt, I would constantly hold it up for Don and the kids to take a look. At that time I had not noticed the blemish, nor did they.

Today I was reminded of my Creator. He knew me before I was created in my mother's womb. He visioned what I would look like even before my mother laid eyes on me. God knew that my nose would be broad and that my lips would be full. He even knew that I would be born with a blemish. He saw the birth defect on my right ear, but in His eyes I was beautiful.

The birth defect isn't my only blemish. Before I allowed Jesus to come into my heart and change me, the blemishes from my sinful life had left it's mark on me. I don't do things I used to do before I met my Creator, but I still have some blemishes. To Him, when He looks at me, all He sees is beauty.

What amazed me the most is realizing that God is holding me up for all the world to see the work of His hands.


  1. Thank You!!!! what an awesome analogy the Lord gave you &how awesome it is to realize that what He sees in me is beauty & not blemish. Thank You Lord for the blood of the Lamb!!!!! Just beautiful!

  2. Hi Sandra!
    I like your post today.

    Forgive me, I can't remember which group of people deliberately left an imperfection in their quilts to remind others that we are imperfect people. Maybe it was the Puritans, Amish, Shakers, Pioneers!!! This thought stuck in my head. Thought it was a nice reminder anyhow.

    God bless you and may you have a super Thanksgiving.

    I hope you'll share your pretty quilt on your blog. I'd love to see her. I've only made a few yarn quilts in my life and hope to someday make a 'real' quilt.

    I think quilts are so very pretty.
    I admire quilt makers!
    Blessings to you,

  3. Oh Sandra,
    This was excellent!
    I love the analogy, just excellent.

  4. You write beautifully friend. I pray you are finding your new home a safe and happy place. I miss your smile and pray for you often.

  5. Amen....what a great post. As a mother who deals with what society would say are "Blemished" kids...this was wonderful! Have a great day I WISH I could quilt...but alas...all my quilts would be modern and weird looking...not cute and homey like yours.

  6. Sandra,

    Thank you for this posting!! God bless.
