
Monday, November 29, 2010

Words of a Homemaker

God, I want to do great things for you,
And speak to all the nations!
God replies:
That's well and good,
But for now
Fix your children's complications.

Lord, I want to straighten up the world,
Feed the hungry and fulfill someone's wishes!
God says:
Fine, but for the present,
You need to wash the dishes.

Lord, I want to preach, proclaim your name
And bring salvation to the earth!
God says:
Good! Then teach your children
And preach my name to those you've given birth.

At the end of the day,
I think of all I've done.
But as I look it seems,
I've accomplished nothing for the Son!
God I had no time to witness one on one,
I couldn't join my church group,
They said I missed out on lots of fun.

My household is the only thing
That managed to be cleaned,
My neighbor is the only one,
Besides my family I could feed.

The only ones I've read Your Word
Are those within my home.
God I've done so very little
And I feel so all alone!

God says:
I've seen the way you cleaned and cooked
And taught your kids My name.
Tomorrow morning at eight o' clock,
I'll watch you do the same.

The work you do at home,
Though no one really sees,
Is helping to raise little ones
To grow and worship me.

My ways are not your ways,
I don't expect you yet to see,
But the precepts that you've taught your children,
Will help others bow the knee.

Your children will reach out to others,
Your example in their mind.
They'll do great work for Me
And their children will respond in kind.

The hand that rules the world,
Also rocks the cradle.
Because of you, your children love Me,
All their hearts are stable.

Though your house is your domain,
Your tasks seem rather plain,
Your efforts will reach the multitudes,
Though from humble work they came.

I found this on the internet. I tried finding the author of this poem, but couldn't. Whomever wrote this poem, I want to say thank you. 


Yesterday after church, my children were talking about how much they appreciated us for not making them feel like a burden when they were younger. I sat there with a joyful heart as I looked at them while they were eating. The thoughts rapidly raced through my mind of the different times when they reached milestones in their lives.

How quickly they grow up. Cherish your children. Make a memory today. You can never have this day with them again. Watch them and keep them close. They may reach a milestone today. Don't miss it.


I hope and pray that all homemakers feel encouraged today and the days to come. Please know that what you do today, will be your reward tomorrow.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Winner of the "New Life" Apron Give Away is.....

 I just want to say thank you to all the women who left comments about what a new life means to you. Some of the comments really tugged my heart. I prayed and thought about each one of you on a daily basis for the last week. Blessing to you and your families.

 Here are the names ready to be drawn.....

 My hand got stuck in the mason jar. This is a wide mouth jar too. Hmm... :)

Here's our winner! Congratulations Nabila Grace!

*Update: Nabila was so touched by Jill K.'s story, that she giving her gifts to her.
Jill K., your story touched the hearts of many that read your comment. We thank our Father who is the giver of life. We rejoice with you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday - New Life

As I look at my beautiful daughter with her "baby bump," I can't help but to be thankful for life.

As my way of saying "thank you" for giving life, I'm hosting a give away. I'm giving away a maternity apron handmade by myself.

If you or someone you know are expecting to bring new life into this world, please leave a comment telling me what life means to you. I will be using the pattern below. Also, you will have a choice of the two fabrics shown. Please feel free to share this give away with others who may want to enter. This give away will end one week from today on Thursday, November 18th. The winner will be announced early Friday morning here on my blog.

*****Update: My friend Tasha over at  He's Everything to Me is joining me in this give away by donating a burp cloth, bib and a nursing cover-up from her etsy shop .

*****Update #2: If you live in/around or plan on visiting the Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA area, another dear friend has join this give away. Debbie at Farrar's Bistro is donating a complementary lunch for 2.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Simply Redeemed

Redeemed = to buy back; to recover; to exchange; to convert; to make amends; to obtain the release or restoration of, as from captivity, by paying a ransom.

Something extraordinary happened to me one day. The day when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, is a day that I will never forget. That was many years ago. I've changed. I've grown tremendously. Living the life I'm living now is one that I would dream about, but blocked it out because I wanted to be free and not bound by man.

Blindness invaded my sight to true freedom in the high calling of a wife and a mother.

I was in bondage in my mind and my heart. Struggling to find my identity, only to continue going deeper into the pit that the enemy dug for me. I was buried neck deep in the miry clay. I couldn't claw my way out of the pit. I needed help to get out.

What a day when my Savior came and released me from captivity. He paid the ransom. No longer did I have to live in the pit when my Father is the King. I'm His daughter. Living the life I dreamt about for so long.

Some may say that there's more to life than being just a wife and a mother. True. But I must say from my own experience, besides my relationship with God, there's nothing comparable for me than being a wife and a mother.

I've been simply redeemed and my way of thinking has changed!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Titus 2 Mentors

Titus 2:3-5 "the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed."
November is the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving. I've decided to share what I'm thankful for each Thursday in November. I have so many things to be thankful for, but I wanted to start off by saying how thankful I am for the Titus 2 women who have imparted in my life. I'm so thankful that I had the chance to experience what it's like to have an older woman to live out the Titus 2 mandate.

My heart cannot express enough thanks for Mother Bradford who saw something in the neighborhood girl running wild and playing "hide & seek" with the boys. She would invite me to come into her home. I loved going to her home. It was so peaceful and pretty. She had a floral paintings and always, always had something baking or cooking. Her house smelt good too.

She got permission from my parents to start taking me to church with her. I would go every Sunday, even when I didn't want to go because it gave me a chance to escape reality. My home life was in such disarray and most of my childhood our family didn't have a car. Going to church gave me an opportunity to leave the "projects (ghetto)" for a minute.

Mother Bradford would teach me about how my body belonged to God and He didn't want me sharing it with anyone else. Oh, how she would embrace me after I would share with her my hurt of abuse and being used while trying to find love. Not once did she judge me. Instead, she would tell me about the man that God will send to me that will cherish me and love me. She prepared me for that man and I'm forever grateful to her.

I remember one day inquiring about why she dresses the way she does. Not that she dressed bad or anything, just different. Different from most women in the neighborhood. She always looked pretty. Pretty, just like her home decor. Simple and pretty, not a lot of glitz and glamour, but yet fascinating. She taught me about modesty. I didn't embrace modesty then. It took some time, a long time!

How blessed my life has been not only with Mother Bradford, but many women who have imparted into my life. If I could go back in time, I would glean even harder because I took it for granted that I would always have a Titus 2 mentor in my life.

I will always desire to have a Titus 2 woman in my life. I'm entering a new season in life. I'm now a Titus 2 woman.